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Comment Re:Shock news! high income tempts youth into crime (Score 1) 184

Let me get you a band-aid so your heart doesn't bleed out.

Frankly, I find your "lack of morals" comment appallingly ignorant: the fact that you are posting on slashdot means you have no idea what it's like to live in poverty.

This makes no logical sense.

Let's throw out the Ferraris completely, and pretend you saw a loaf of bread on the street. Now imagine you and your family had no bread. Would you then be tempted to take the bread? Would this be solely driven by greed and a lack of morals? I never said "solely". No, it wouldn't be driven "solely" by greed and shoddy morals, but they'd be in there.

Let me guess, you would "get a job" and "work hard" to support your family, not steal. Well, what if there were no jobs? What if the only job was to work for a scammer?...

Blah, blah, blah. Did you even RTFA? The dude was rolling in a BMW making $75k usd/year in a third-world country. This is not even CLOSE to the 'stealing a loaf of bread for the starving family' scenario above. Why is it so difficult to acknowledge that some people are morally bankrupt, and being covetous human nature?

Comment Re:Shock news! high income tempts youth into crime (Score 2, Insightful) 184

some folk are tempted into crime when they see their friends earning $4000 a month...

The causal relationship you imply here doesn't exist. It isn't inequality that's at fault, its these lads' greed coupled with lack of morals. I'm not tempted into crime where I see a Ferrari on the street -- and I would guess that the same is true for most folks.

Comment Re:Huh, I wonder why? (Score 1) 453

It's a failure of management; I don't think his reaction can be attributed to ungratefulness. If management were clever, they would have said "If this project goes through, you all get $DOLLAR bonuses. If it fails, you get nothing." You gotta give folks a carrot, or they react like the OP.

Comment Re:Stupidity (Score 2, Informative) 100

Right, I wondered myself why there was no validate_key_is_valid() function, or even a simple cast for that matter. $key = (string)$key.

On the other hand, this isn't exactly PHP's fault (or MySQL's, for that matter). The query:

$user = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_activation_key = %s", $key));

They're selecting a row (the user) by a column (user_activation_key) that can be blank. Not NULL but literally an empty string. Bad.

Comment Re:Nows not the time to be logical (Score 1) 1146

As a woman, you don't want a man who will care for you when you are sick, even if he would rather go golfing with his friends? You don't want a man who will spend time planning a date or will go out of his way to find the perfect gift for you on your birthday? You don't want a man who is concerned about your needs over his own?

Right, exactly. I think the GP is (perhaps unintentionally) equivocating "sacrifice". In my world -- I'm getting married next month -- "sacrifice" means logging off of WoW in the middle of a raid because my fiancee wants something done, telling the office "No, I can't work those overtime hours" (and losing out on OT pay) so I can spend time with her, cleaning the house up before she gets home even though I -hate- doing it and couldn't care less about the mess... "Sacrifice" isn't just jumping in front of a bullet or dying on a cross; the times when you put her needs and desires ahead of your own are also sacrifice. You're sacrificing your own selfish wants for your spouse's.

It sounds like the GP is blindly following the I CAN DO EERRRRVRYTHING MYSELF AND I DON'T NEED ANYONE attitude of extreme feminism.


Submission + - AT&T Censors 4chan server 13

An anonymous reader writes: Details how (home of the notorious /b/ — "Random" image board) is being actively blocked by AT&T. According to the scant details available on 4chan and Reddit there are reports that has become inaccessible from California to Texas and some reports claim as far east as Connecticut. Supposedly this is to stop a ring of pedophiles, but as one Reddit poster said it best "First the came for the pedophiles and I was not a pedophile..."
Disturbing news indeed.

Comment It's simple (Score 2, Insightful) 194

It's simple -- everyone wants to be Cpt. Kirk, and nobody wants to be Ensign Ricky. How many starship captains can one MMO really have?

Alternately, everyone wants to be a Jedi and nobody wants to be a blaster-wielding doofus.

The success of MMOs is about enabling the player to wield ridiculous amounts of power and have obsessive-compulsive levels of control over their character. I do not believe this is an impossible task for a Sci-Fi MMO to achieve, it just hasn't been done really well yet. The Fantasy genre lends itself much more naturally to this type of thing.

Comment Re:In defense of business analysts... (Score 1) 305

I'm one of the core engineers for a web shop and this is what I (along with the team I'm with for whatever project I'm on) do basically every day. Maybe it's because we're a small shop (in the grand scheme... we're one of the largest for our niche) or because the projects are small (usually 10 coders), but this is a skill that my boss drilled into me from my first day on the job... it's the difference between an engineer and a consultant. I don't think you can reasonably expect most engineers to be both "in it" and "on it", which is the perspective shift needed to do this kind of analysis effectively. Many can, but most can't. That's ok, just make sure to hang on tight to the ones who can! *ahem*

Submission + - Ritz Camera to close 300 stores (

Skadet writes: Ritz Camera, the once-proud photography supplies shop, is closing 300 stores — 42% of their B&M operation. Careful on the liquidation sales though... looks like it's being handled by the same group that handled Circuit City's.

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