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Comment Re:A step too far? (Score 1) 191

By what realistic measure did AEDE expect Google to pay, when it outright stated that it'd shut down in Germany before paying? Did they expect Spain to be different?

Basically, yes, they thought that Spain would be different.

I think their assumption was that the Germans were a bunch of savages squatting in the ruins of a civilization that could safely be ignored, but that SPAIN! was still the center of civilized culture in the world, and therefore the rules were different.

I think they thought that Spain would be different because surely Google couldn't refuse to show snippets for all Spanish publishers. They assumed the German ruling didn't have the same clout because obviously many publishers would opt out.

Alternatively, I've seen it suggested that the Spanish knew exactly what would happen, and it's what they wanted. Or, more precisely, it's what the big, influential publishers wanted, because their size allows them to attract more visitors directly to their home pages, at the expense of smaller publishers. Another Slashdot poster claimed that it was political horse trading between big news organizations who are pro-government and the government to shut out smaller (and anti-government) news organizations, with an understanding that if the change hurt the big orgs too badly, the government would funnel cash to them to prop them up.

I don't know anything about Spanish politics, but those possibilities seem believable, and perhaps more believable than that Spanish lawmakers didn't believe Google would just shut down Google News in Spain.

Comment Re:Wasn't there a book about this? (Score 4, Insightful) 138

The example I use is Butterflies, which change from a crawling creature to one that flies, mid life. Incredible "random" feat if you ask me.

It's not random. The ability for adult insects to fly evolved gradually. That has nothing to do with the fact that insects go through metamorphosis, which most likely evolved independently and prior to the capability of flight

Your argument makes as much sense as saying: "I don't believe evolution because people can talk using air even though they spend 9 months sealed up in a bag of water."

Comment Re:Some (Score 1) 433

Basically what you're saying is that you've been brainwashed into "vinyl is better". People keep talking about the "experience".

I've listened to good music on vinyl. I've listened to good music on high definition digital audio.

I've also listened to good music compressed down to 128K MP3 files.

I'm VERY aware of the difference.

It's like kopi luwak coffee. It's not that the end product is really and truly better.
It's that there's a marketing ploy behind it. They're not selling a physical product. They're selling a story and a mindset.

If you want to buy into it, great. But you're pretty much going to have to put up with everyone else laughing at you.

Comment Re:A step too far? (Score 1) 191

Spanish legislation went further than the German ones - The German court decision merely gave the right to charge, but per the article the Spanish one mandated charging.

Keep in mind that wasn't an accidental difference. In Germany, the publishers that opted out of the scheme (and kept their presence in Google News) benefited from absence of those who didn't opt out, which created a motive for all publishers to opt out in a sort of tragedy of the commons situation. The Spanish lawmakers wanted to prevent that.

Comment Re:Similar to Affirmative Action - a white man (Score 1) 307

And the other half of this is that students who not only have the pre-requisites but have already learned the course material should be able to test out. Perhaps required to test out, because cocky young know-it-alls can be distracting, and perhaps intimidating, to the rest of the class.

Comment Some (Score 5, Insightful) 433

Some listeners think that vinyl reproduces sound better than digital

And some people buy Gold-plated Monster cables and Macs too. It just proves there's a sucker born every minute (at least).

some youngsters like the social experience of gathering around a turntable.

That's mainly because most youngsters' "social experience" has been limited to school (see "Lord of the Flies") and texting. Actually, y'know, MEETING UP with someone is a HUGE novelty these days. The turntable's just incidental.

Comment Re: Helium and the density of the disc (Score 1) 219

No, straight Helium is a lower density medium than normal air. This means less atmospheric friction and less driver motor friction while spinning a platter.

Wouldn't it be better to just create a vacuum inside the drive? The vapor pressure of aluminum at 10^-10 torr is 600 C.

No. Because a vacuum would actually insulate the components. As there's nothing for heat to disperse through EXCEPT other components.

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