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Submission + - The State of Gaming in Japan

dean73 writes: " +Gaming+in+Japan
Brace yourself, stick twiddlers: there's a war coming. After an interminable bout of hype, production delays and whatnot, the gloves are off and the big boys are finally ready for some down and dirty. The prize? Dominance of a worldwide market valued at $29 billion annually. Nope, not crack: video games. What's more, even if you stopped paying attention to such malarky when PONG was still considered the height of technological innovation, this promises to be an interesting scrap. Read on for the deets on the latest battle for console supremacy, and why there's more to it than meets the eye."

Submission + - Elephants pass mirror test of self-awareness

6350' writes: "Researchers have published findings that elephants are now known to be in the rather exclusive club of species that can recognize themselves in mirrors, National Geographic News reports. Interestingly, some elephants in the test, which was conducted at the Bronx Zoo in New York, recognized and touched marks placed on their head while looking in the mirror. Others were seen to open their mouth and peer into the reflection, indicating an awareness that the reflection they percieved was their own. 'There seems to be some correlation between an ability to recognize oneself in a mirror and higher forms of social complexity,' one of the authors of the study notes."
Linux Business

Submission + - Corporate users embrace desktop Linux

JCaruso writes: "Is the corporate world ready for Linux on the desktop? This article presents some places that are. From the article: "People have to justify Windows to get it, and even then I challenge them a bit," says Dave Jenkins, the CTO for Nearly 70% of the online retailer's 200 or so desktops are Linux, including multiuser machines stationed in the company's warehouse. Those on Windows desktops typically need it to support Excel and the macros that run only inside that spreadsheet."
Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Lose 40 pounds in 3 months playing WoW

PygmySurfer writes: Spending too much time playing World of Warcraft? This guy found an inventive way to limit his playing time, AND get some cardio in while doing it! A self-imposed rule allowing him to only play WoW while doing cardio allowed him to lose 41 pounds in 3 months. Unfortunately, he doesn't really say much about how far his characters progressed — I saw mention of a level 30 Hunter and 50 Warlock browsing through some of the posts, but no mention of where they were when he started. All in all though, a good idea to limit one's playing time, and maybe lose some weight at the same time.

Oracle and Red Hat begin battle for the Enterprise 135

Salvance writes "Yahoo News (via ComputerWire) is reporting that Oracle and Red Hat are turning up the heat in the battle over Oracle's new enterprise Linux offering. While Oracle claims they'll be able to offer their 'Unbreakable' version of Red Hat's Linux offering for half the price, Red Hat asserts that all the important security and hardware certifications would be invalidated on Oracle's offering.

At this point, the only thing that's certain is that Red Hat needs to figure out how to keep their large Oracle Enterprise clients on board or risk becoming a takeover target (undoubtably, with Oracle leading the list of potentially bidders)."

ACLU Drops Challenge Over Patriot Act 274

An anonymous reader writes, "The ACLU announced on Friday that they were dropping their case against the US Government over the highly contested section 215 of the Patriot Act. ACLU Associate Legal Director Ann Beeson stated: 'While the reauthorized Patriot Act is far from perfect, we succeeded in stemming the damage from some of the Bush administration's most reckless policies. The ACLU will continue to monitor how the government applies the broad Section 215 power and we will challenge unconstitutional demands on a case-by-case basis.'"

Bush Signs Bill Enabling Martial Law 1594

An anonymous reader writes to point us to an article on the meaning of a new law that President Bush signed on Oct. 17. It seems to allow the President to impose martial law on any state or territory, using federal troops and/or the state's own, or other states', National Guard troops. From the article: "In a stealth maneuver, President Bush has signed into law a provision which, according to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), will actually encourage the President to declare federal martial law. It does so by revising the Insurrection Act, a set of laws that limits the President's ability to deploy troops within the United States. The Insurrection Act (10 U.S.C.331 -335) has historically, along with the Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C.1385), helped to enforce strict prohibitions on military involvement in domestic law enforcement. With one cloaked swipe of his pen, Bush is seeking to undo those prohibitions." Here is a link to the bill in question. The relevant part is Sec. 1076 about 3/4 of the way down the page.

Journal Journal: The Java Mindset 1

When many people describe Java, they often focus on its object-oriented nature. In the last year of coding, I've seen that the Java mindset is much more than object-oriented design and patterns.

What is the Java mindset about?

1) Internationalization

NES (Games)

Journal Journal: What if the Democrats win in November? 2

The topic on CSPAN's Washington Journal right now is "What if the Democrats Win?"

I believe that if the Democrats win, we will soon after have a Constitutional Crisis. Bush will issue executive orders that directly contradict any social laws or policy passed by the Democratic Congress. Attorney General Gonzales will issue memorandums declaring Unconstitutional any and all laws passed having to do with Terrorism or Civil Liberties, asserting that the President's powers are Absolute.


Journal Journal: An Observation 3

I propose to you, gentle readers:

Is not Iraq the slim, male, teenaged Congressional Page of the Middle East?

I think so!

User Journal

Journal Journal: JavaBeans introspection example 11

public class MyJavaBean {

private int height;
private int weight;
private String meatSpaceName;
private String slashdotNick;
private int age;
private double karma;

public int getHeight() {
return height;

public vo

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