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Comment Re:It'd be nice if Glass was unleashed. (Score 1) 39

As for taking pictures of people without their knowing or recording everything it's just not happening.

The latter can be fixed, just that Google wants to make the regular Glass a boring device with all the interesting functions already removed.

That, and it's not like such a command could be changed to be less obtrusive (such as an eye blink pattern).

You either need to have you hand up near your head tapping it or saying "ok glass, take photo". It is actually a lot easier to take an unobtrusive photo with a phone. Where the camera comes into its own is taking photos while you are holding something with both hands. That and the ability to stream what your phone is seeing to the tethered phone - this means you can get a second set of eyes on things if you wanted.

This would get around the Google Glass's unwarranted block on face recognition - just stream raw data out and have Something Else do the interpretation and feedback.

Comment It'd be nice if Glass was unleashed. (Score 2) 39

If not for the intentional block surrounding face recognition and the general lack of availability, Glass would have a better chance at succeeding.

Instead of having a heavily controlled device, how about letting a large amount of users figure it out? That way, you'd have less comments about Glassholes and more people really exploring the bounds of what *can* be done with it, not what *should* be done.

Comment Nothing. (Score 1) 348

He came in and left with the intent of betrayal.

Any glorified status left him when he decided to go about taking whatever he could, hoping that some of it had PR value.

Comment No, the US hasn't been proven to anything. (Score 2) 193

The only solid (and court-tested) proof exists on the Chinese against the US (and about every First World country).

Snowden will only count when he and his case comes before a US court. Until then, any statements, materials, or positions held by him / his supporters are only conjecture.

Comment Except for past/curr. Chinese history and practice (Score 1) 193

The Chinese don't have solid proof to the level that the US has on the Chinese. The Chinese only can cite a person that handed over US secrets, while the US can cite private and public sector examples (much less Chinese history of stealing from their own).

That, and it doesn't look like the US wants much from the US aside from a compliant labor pool.

Comment Nice out of context quote (Score 2) 688

A different time, and for a different objection completely - but don't let that get in the way of your rant.

Then again, you're asking for an educational model that is not only less free, but also reduces opportunities for the rest of one's life based on that lack of freedom. If you want mandatory streaming in education, move to another country.

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