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Comment Re:That's capitalism. (Score 4, Insightful) 710

Which is why in civilised countries we have unions and employment law. If I have a grievance like she did with my employer, I go to my union, I don't resign. They understand employment law, contract law, case law, and I have a right to a union rep at meetings with management. Why resign? Does she have a legal case for suing the company? Because I know that's how you leftpondians prefer to do it.

Comment Re:Well to start.... (Score 1) 52

I think you just described the OpenGeo suite from Boundless except with less Java because enterprisey.

Another idea would be something based on Django with the GeoDjango functionality, a simple model for location with picture and whatever other attributes you want in your model, and job almost done. Buy some hosting and run it, or plug an Rpi into your home network and punch a line through your router.

Comment Wrong measure (Score 1) 64

The headline is that the prediction was overestimating three times in the past three years. So what?

Google's Flu Trend plots don't have uncertainties on them, so they'll never be exactly right. So they either have to be overestimates or underestimates. In any three years, you are going to get at least *two* under or over estimates. So post-hoc, saying "ZOMG! There's three overestimates in three years!! #EPICFAIL LOL!" isn't very meaningful.

Until Big Data People understand statistical uncertainty and are happy to put prediction confidence intervals on their data, this will keep happening. However, prediction confidence intervals are an admission of uncertainty, and uncertainty is weakness, right? And we won't have any of that in our corporate Big Data strategy document. Mr Statistician, you're fired, we're hiring some more Big Data Scientists.

Comment Bunch of Nathan Barleys (Score 1) 158

Someone looked up all the people who were on the committee of this Year of Code thing. Only three of 23 had a geeky coding background. The others were a bunch of entrepreneurs and startup-biz types.

Tom Morris blog

How many of them even know what 'github' is? Just a bunch of Nathan Barley types who got lucky. Although it doesn't mean the organisation would be any better if Nathan's programmer sidekick Pingu was on the committee.

See also

Adrian Short blog.

and see also all the episodes of Nathan Barley on YouTube if you've not seen it before.


Comment Red flags... (Score 1) 375

Red flags that this is not and probably won't ever be a working thing:

1. "Designer Jeabyun Yeon has created something great". No, Designers don't create things. Engineers create things. This Designer creates with Photoshop and 3DStudio, and his creations are not 'things'.

2. Its on a design blog site. Not a scuba site. Not an engineering site. A design site. I reckon I could troll up a fake thing (collapsible refrigerator, hover table, solar powered sun-tan lamp) and get it posted there if I wanted.

3. Because sharks

Comment Re:What's the problem here? (Score 1) 181

Nobody has answered the questions I posed. Does the user see an even slightly different page? Do they get different prices on stuff on the site? Who are these affiliates?

I could understand if amazon.com was being redirected to a rival company, or if (as some ISPs have done) typos and invalid DNS entries got redirected to a page stuffed with advertising.

Excuse me if I don't understand this aspect of Amazon's trading practice - but then you are probably sitting in your mom's basement spending her money on Amazon all day long. Okay now we're even.

Comment What's the problem here? (Score 0) 181

From the article: he goes to amazon.com, it returns the IP for the proxy, and eventually a redirect to www.amazon.com/?affiliate=id

How does that affect the user? Do they see a different page than if they'd gone straight to www.amazon.com? Or is it just that the affiliate gets a cut if the user buys anything from amazon at that point? Who loses out here? Other affiliates who aren't in the program?

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