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Comment Re:Everything hits poor people harder (Score 1, Interesting) 207

Libertarianism is a great idea as long as every actor is altruistic and interested in the welfare of the society above themselves.

Laissez-fair capitalism is a great idea as long as every actor is altruistic and interested in the welfare of the society above themselves.

- wrong and wrong, libertarian and laissez-fair capitalist ideas do not require anybody to be altruistic at all, in fact the entire point is only to think about yourself and in the free market economy to think about yourself means to provide the market with solutions it pays for, thus helping the society not by being altruistic but by chasing profits, which is why free market capitalism is the most moral system - it relies on self interest and the invisible hand of the market rewards self-interest that helps the market.

Your definitions are off-base, no wonder you don't understand what is going on and your conclusions are all screwed up.

Comment Re:Everything hits poor people harder (Score 0) 207

Socialist approach doesn't work and for those of you, who are mistaken about it, here is an article that shows what your socialist approach can do even to the minimum wage jobs. This is coming to all low cost restaurants near you.

Socialist approach is anti-humanist, anti-freedom, anti-human rights approach, it is an approach of theft and destruction and violence. Capitalist approach within free market environment is the only approach that relies on voluntary exchange of goods and services that are built by free people, people who do not have their rights violated by the mob.

It has to be an all or nothing free market capitalist approach because once anything remotely socialist does not stop there, it wants more and more socialism, which in turn destroys free market capitalism, destroys free markets (markets free of government intervention, thus markets based on equal rights between people, where 'right' means protection against government abuse) and destruction of free markets does not improve capitalism in any way, it diminishes capitalism and without capitalism (private ownership and operation of property) there is no capital and without capital there is no economy and without economy there is no society.

Capitalism in a free market environment means profit based economy, which is the only economy that both is good economics and it is the only moral way to run a society, the only way that allows society to function without mob based violence destroying individual rights.

Comment Sure, sure (Score 0, Insightful) 207

Cisco is having sales problems in this depressed economy just like so many other companies due to the inflation (money printing), taxes, regulations, basic lack of freedoms that is preventing new businesses from starting and is causing existing businesses to shrink, outsource or just shut down. In 2014 more businesses shutdown than were started first time probably in history of USA.

There is no recovery, the economy is in a depression being held afloat artificially with all this money counterfeiting by the Fed. The so called recovery is based on bubbles in asset and bond markets, due to all this inflation (money printing). The companies are borrowing huge sums in the USA based on their foreign earnings ( money that was made offshore and remains there due to insane taxes in the US) that are used as the collateral to borrow in the US, so that companies can buy their stock back, pushing up the stock prices and consolidating ownership. Warren Buffet talks US policies of the welfare state and inflation up, while getting rid of the US dollars and buying up assets, like the rail roads and the mines and lands. The US dollar is on its last legs, the population feels worse financially in the so called 'recovery' in 2014 than it felt in 2008, during the peak of the financial crisis. There is no recovery, but there is a huge bubble inflated by the Fed in this depression, hiding the necessary deflation with all this inflation and preventing the real and extremely needed restructuring ( writing off of debts, shutting down most of the government and many of the zombie companies that only exist due to inflation). USA job market is horrible, the new net jobs are part time jobs. Manufacturing is gone, very little is produced and where people are still producing, the government is regulating them to death.

Cisco will probably outsource to China or India if they hire at all. Not like it is easier for them now, afted all the NSA bullshit came out.

Comment Not a revolution, progression (Score -1) 294

Developer tool No. 1: Continuous integration ...your phone starts pinging you with new emails or text messages from the continuous build mechanism telling you what needs to be fixed. Back to work, slave, the continuous build machine has new tasks for you.

- some sort of flamebait right there, in TFA. If you have something checking your code and raising flags before the code goes into testing (which may or may not catch the errors) and production, you may be spared very unpleasant production issues. When do you feel more like a 'slave', when you are asked to fix the bugs during your normal work hours or when you are woken up at night, and you have to figure out what the hell happened in production, while new transactions are coming through and you have to fix live data?

Developer tool No. 2: Frameworks ...Very little programming begins from scratch these days...
Sure, you could be pioneering and build everything from scratch, but that would be suicide.... You're not a craftsman -- you're a framework-tweaker...


Developer tool No. 3: Libraries

- let's hope that you don't have to write everything from scratch, you are much more productive as a developer if you don't have to write everything you need but can use libraries written and tested by others. As to frameworks, nobody from the outside world really forces you into any framework, it's a decision internal to the project, don't have to follow anything you don't like.

Developer tool No. 4: APIs ...The old game of counting bytes has been replaced by parse-able data structures such as JSON or XML...

- not that much different from header files in C, except XML is a dumb way to move data between components in the same application.

Developer tool No. 5: Platform as a service
Who builds their own website anymore? Instead, create an account on someone else's website and customize it.

- Geocities? How is this a new development?

Developer tool No. 6: Browsers
There was once a time when people wrote software for desktops, software for servers, and software for devices, and it would all be different.... Now everything goes through the browser.

- yeah, the browser used to be a dumb terminal and now it is getting more and more 'intelligent'. The browser of today is just a computer, it is the VM itself running your code in it. The browser is the computer and the code you write in it is now as complex as full clients of the past.

Developer tool No. 7: Application containers
Building a server used to be hard work...
  most of the incompatibilities between our desktops and the server are gone.

- many apps are just written for VMs (like JVM) that's not a new development, WAR files allowed this for over a decade now.

Developer tool No. 8: Infrastructure as a service
Did I mention the teams of server curators? Those guys were fun to hang out with at lunch or after work, but now they've been abstracted away into the cloud layer..... these IaaS administration Web pages won't buy you a drink after work. Of course, that saves you from ever having to get the next round.

- seriously? That's a concern?

Developer tool No. 9: Node.js and JavaScript
Now it's all done in JavaScript. The browser, of course, still speaks JavaScript, but so do the server layer (Node.js) and the database layer (MongoDB and CouchDB). Even the HTML is often specified with JavaScript code for a framework like Ext JS or jQueryMobile that generates the HTML at the client.

- yeah, yeah, Javascript. I'll be using Node.js in 5 years maybe, when it is already used by a ton of real world services that act as a proof that this wondrous tech can actually pull this off. As to MongoDB and CouchDB, I guess when I lose my mind I'll switch from a relational database to these...

Developer tool No. 10: Secondary marketplaces ...go shopping at secondary marketplaces like the Unity Asset Store and buy up all the pieces you need...
Who needs developers or artists with prices so low?

- sure, unless you actually want to develop or design something of your own.

Developer tool No. 11: Virtual machines ...The Java Virtual Machine, the C#/.Net Virtual Machine, and now JavaScript engines end up being the main target for code... ...Clojure, Scala, Jython, JRuby -- they're all piggybacking off Sun's (now part of Oracle) great work in building the VM....
you could create your own browser and language, or you could cross-compile it to be emulated in JavaScript. That's what the folks did when they built cleaned-up tools like CoffeeScript. If this isn't confusing enough, Google produced GWT (Google Web Toolkit) to convert Java to JavaScript.

- language to language translation, what a concept.... it's only as old as the compilers.

Developer tool No. 12: Social media portals ...Web is being absorbed into big silos like Facebook and Salesforce... all of humanity is clicking away in Facebook or Salesforce...You're either a lackey to the big portals or you're listening to crickets.

- or you actually end up building something that people want to use and not yet another photo wall.

Developer tool No. 13: Devops tools ...Chef and Puppet designed to maintain these servers for you. Push new software to the cloud and these tools handle the job of keeping all the computers running the same code....
Some services such as Google App Engine already handle this internally. All you need to do is give it your app, and the provisioning is automatic. You don't even know what's going on in the background; you merely get a bill for the amount of CPU cycles consumed.

- the amazing world of timesharing.... where have I heard of that one before? Oh yeah, mainframes and supercomputers.

Developer tool No. 14: GitHub, SourceForge, and social code sharing ...Sites like SourceForge and GitHub post all the code for everyone to see and update.... projects see tens or even hundreds of thousands of downloads each week? That would never be possible with the old model.

- sure. I suppose the media is the message, but people used to list their source in computer magazines in the older times. The difference of-course exists, it's your ability to modify the code and the modifications becoming public immediate, so this is a great way of sharing.

Developer tool No. 15: Performance monitoring ...Modern tools track the network calls for the network of software as well as the performance of individual modules. This is the only way to understand what is going right and going wrong....

- the computer is the network, now the network is the computer, distributed logging is useful, no doubt.

My point is, the more things change the longer the articles, the more the things stay the same or almost the same.

Comment Re:Not all bugs are in difficult code (Score -1) 116

Right, of-course the biggest source of bugs in the code is fairly complex business logic and coupling of data structures / models between processing components, where limitations on data that one component requires and processes are different from limitations on same/similar data processed by other components. Really in order to avoid bugs we have to have full awareness of all business logic in every step in programming, which cannot be done in large enough projects where more than one person is working on a project and project takes more time than just a few days of work.

As to how to reduce number of bugs in simple code, I say write code generators that generate simple code if that type of code is used over and over again across the application, that's my approach, but YMMV.

Comment Re:And yet (Score -1, Troll) 268


to pay somebody 18K after tax, employer has to pay what, 28K

- is that the 'Troll'? Only if you do not run a business and do not know what the employer's actual costs are when their employee makes that 18K net.

Is this troll? - Well, I guess a link to a Washington Post can be considered one, I give you that.

However it doesn't change the fact, 31% of Americans have 0 savings, 19 of those between 55 and 64 have 0 savings. Maybe the USA economy is a Troll with those numbers.

s 324.5 Million settlement is yet another cost on employment,

- is this the troll? So 324.5 Million dollars (or more eventually) taken from the companies is somehow not a cost of labour in USA? What is it the cost of then if not labour cost, imposed by unauthorised government rule?

Yeah, well, I guess if you are not here supporting what the court did you are a troll, there is no difference of opinion here, just those who are RIGHT and those who are TROLLS.

Comment Re: Hang them by balls .. (Score -1, Troll) 268

It should be legal to discriminate based on anything. Whether people would do it or not is irrelevant, it should be completely legal. Government making it illegal is an unauthorised power grab, usurpation of power that was not granted to government under USA Constitution.

Would some people discriminate based on race, religion sex? Sure. Would they be rewarded or punished in a free market capitalist system? They would be punished, they would not have access to the best workers (based on their prejudice), they would lose many customers, since there are plenty of people who would not patronise such establishments.

Government does not have authority but it usurped the power to dictate how people are hired and fired. Government has no role in any of it. Employers must be able to hire and fire employees, and the only thing that matters is a contract. Same with employees, if an employee wants to go work to another company and the other company is willing to have him or her, he should be able to, again, subject to the contract between the employee and the employer.

Government has no authority to prevent companies from hiring anybody, domestic or otherwise. The entire concept of national borders is broken. These borders shouldn't be there to prevent people from working. Anybody could come to America 100 years ago and the only thing that they needed to do at the border was register and go right through.

The problem is growth of cancerous government and its destructive welfare system. People feel that their money is stolen from them (they feel this rightfully) in taxes and the welfare state is created, at that point it becomes difficult to maintain individual human rights and freedoms, which are to try and build their own lives as they can best (without murdering and stealing and such). The entire problem is the rise of the welfare state, the theft via the income related taxes, the theft via inflation and laws and regulations and the subsidies from that stolen money to the people unwilling to work. That is what ended normal immigration into USA.

As to being legal not to pay workers, it's legal now, because you can have volunteers that you don't pay anything, but once you start paying the insane, horrific minimum wage laws (price controls on labour) kick in. There are unpaid interns in the White House and in Hollywood, and that's OK, but minimum wage employees in WalMart is not somehow OK.

Government has no authority to dictate any salary to anybody whatsoever, it usurped that power that it didn't have and destroyed individual freedoms.

As to people being out of work, the exact opposite is the case. Without laws that make it extremely expensive and difficult and dangerous (litigation) to hire and fire people, more people have jobs.

I am an employer, I built my own company, I would hire more people if there were no government encroaching into my individual freedoms and freedoms of people I hire to have our own contracts.

Government rules and regulations are expenses, more expenses means higher cost of labour. To hire somebody to pay them 18K after tax, a company spends 28K. The labour cost is high and yet the final after tax salary is low. Talk about people not being able to afford products...

Comment Re:And yet (Score 0, Troll) 268

the reason a government exists is to serve the people, not to earn a profit

- wrong. The reason that governments exist is our inertia, laziness and jealousy. Originally governments were all nobility with the power in hand to kill you.

Nobility running amok vs. people wanting to live their lives freer from that type of government is what gave rise to Constitutional monarchy, where nobility could not steal from people and kill people at will, there was finally some laws against that type of abuse.

American Republic was supposed to become a better form of government not by making a bigger government, but by protecting more of the FREEDOMS of individuals, this is the only reason to reform governments - better governance in our progression means freer individuals, which is what allowed USA to become biggest manufacturer and creditor nation on the planet before 1908 (*before politicians figured out how to use all of the wealth generated by that system to start a class warfare that eventually destroyed the most productive economy since the dawn of men*).

Goal of a company is to make profits.

Goal of a politician is to stay in power.

Making profits in a free market capitalist system means providing products and services to the willing market participants.

Staying in power for politicians means building a bigger and bigger army around himself, so that to dominate against other politicians in that version of the Game of Thrones and it has nothing to do with serving people whatsoever. Staying in power means building an army and the people are the ones that are feeding that army through stolen work and through reduced standard of living.

Profits in a free market capitalist society are the most moral goal that can be, since it does not use any coercion, it uses desire of other participants in that economy to trade with the company.

As to slavery, thievery, murder all of those concepts are government concepts first and foremost and in a free market economy people don't need governments to deal with any of it, private courts and private security is enough to deal with aberrations.

Comment Re:to sum it up (Score 1) 54

Or if you're Intel or AMD making millions of CPUs, you think about how to do your systems right.

- what does that have anything to do with the question at hand? Nothing at all, CPUs will use more power when they actually have to process something and less when they idle, what are you talking about? The only interesting question here may be that CPUs need to know about each other and distribute the load in a way that would reduce power consumption while still providing the necessary processing, but this algorithm does that exactly and it's probably simpler than setting up CPUs in such a way that they would do that work on their own without knowledge of the context of the requests that are being executed!

Comment Re:And yet (Score 0, Flamebait) 268

Because it turns out, workers are actually people, and people have value that they want respected. Which is why we have governments, in order to serve the people.

- so start your own company and give all the respect to anybody you want. No, what you are after is worse than any 'Ferenge' or whatever, you want oppression of individual freedoms by government, that is not authorised at all actually to regulate businesses.

Newsflash, something you may learn here: "regulating interstate commerce" does not provide a blanket permission to regulate business, it means preventing States from setting up monopolies, forbidding people from out of State to do business there. Regulating interstate commerce meant to UPHOLD the free market principles, not destroy them.

There should be no government regulations, the reason government usurped all this unauthorised power is laziness and jealousy of people who would rather see government steal from others to subsidise themselves than try and compete in the actual free market environment, providing fellow citizens with products and services they would be willing to trade for voluntarily.

Achieving business profits in free market capitalism is the most moral way to run an economy, since profits in a free market economy only come from voluntary exchange and participation rather than coercion that fascists and socialists (basically thieves and oppressors) want.

Comment Re:And yet (Score -1, Troll) 268


Ok, let's look at the statements above:

companies ... exist ... to make money

- Flamebait, I see.

Hiring employees ... when ... the cost of hired labour is lower than the value produced by that labour.

- oh, total Flamebait.

If you make labour cost too high, less of it will be bought

- nightmarish Flamebait.

Hobbies ... can lose money, while businesses can only survive if they make money.

- that's not only a Flamebait, that's probably a Troll.

Labour cost competes with capital cost


make labour cost too high... means automating or outsourcing the labour

- Oh, humanity, hyper Flamebait.

If everybody was an owner ... the price offered for labour would go up.

- Obvious Troll. Talking about supply and demand curves.

The problem in USA is not that Google and Apple had agreements not to hire from each other, it's that there are so few employers at all

- clearly Flamebait.

and that's a problem of business costs being too high thanks to government rules, taxes, regulations, litigation costs, inflation etc.

- Awful unbelievable Flamebait.

No, you are right, /. moderators, you figured it all out.

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