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User Journal

Journal Journal: Grandma's got the big C 9

I'm sad. The lump they removed from my grandmother's breast on Tuesday turned out to be cancerous. They are doing a mastsecomy, removing the lymph nodes and then sending her to an oncologist for follow-up.

The Dr. said it is stage one and hasn't spread. The oncologist will determine if she needs chemo or radiation.

It brings back memories of my grandfather and his death from lung cancer in 1995.

The Almighty Buck

Journal Journal: Job Center take note

My company has a slew of job openings in the Southeastern PA area, specifically Exton. Here is a bunch of the non-aerospace ones. They also have many openings for people with Aerospace skills. I make a referal fee on these, my email is in my profile.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I'm pissed off 5

So Tuesday morning a coworker of mine comes up and asks me if I've seen the new job postings on our company's web site. "No, I haven't what are they?" I say. "Well, there's a ton of them, one of them looks like your job", he says. "WTF", I say. I have 3 hours to get ready for a presentation, and now I am pissed off.

User Journal

Journal Journal: If it's got t#ts or tires 11'll cost you money

I bought that "beater" car a while back. It is affectionately known as my Babe-Magnet. No women can resist a guy in a '94 Subaru Imprezza Wagon with 100,000 miles. They threw in a free stick when I bought it to keep all of the women back.

Got the Babe-Magnet because I have a 30 mile commute each way and it is great in bad weather. It has all wheel drive and anti-lock brakes.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Me, with a girlfriend 19

Yep, it happened. Things are going pretty well for me right now. The date that I thought was a dismal failure about 2 months wasn't. I think my nervousness and self-doubt made me feel that way. I'm usually a pretty self-confident person, but a little gun shy about relationships, can you blame me?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Help - My Window is stuck offscreen 4

Someone just wrote a JE about that last week and I can't remember who.

I have an application (Blackberry Desktop) that always goes offscreen. I can't move it and see it.

Can someone remember who wrote up the JE or point me to it?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Automatic email virus responses

Turn them off. I don't care that joeblow@yourdomain got a virus that seems to come from postmaster@mydomain. I have been getting tons of email telling me that postmaster@mydomain has sent them a virus.

Great, thanks, but I'm not infected. Nobody at my company is either. I'll fix this when we hunt down all of the morons who left their machines get infected.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Light in the loafers 2

Hilarious...this guy I sit next to. He is very fussy and he has a quick Italian temper.

I had to order a Dell Inspiron 8600 for him. He really wanted a Red Lava cover for it. Warning: Sunglasses may be required for this link He was insistent on it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Pacifier...for a 14 year old? 14

So I was at Walmart, land of the Freaks. Yeah, I know they're evil and they eat babies and stuff, but they are the only store on my way home from work.

Anyway, as I'm walking in, this girl, looking to be about 14, with a pierced cheek comes walking out with what looks like her father. She has this baby pacifier that she is sucking on. My three year old hasn't used a pacifier since her second birthday, why would a teenager use one?

User Journal

Journal Journal: WooHoo! My new mouse is here. 5

My new Mickey Mouse mouse is here. I shipped it to work, everyone here is jealous of me.

Actually, not mine :-(

This one is for Emily, she has been asking where it is since about an hour after I told her I bought it for her. I explained to her what shipping means. I told her the mailman brings it and she seemed to understand.

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The sooner all the animals are extinct, the sooner we'll find their money. - Ed Bluestone
