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Comment To hell with them. (Score 4, Insightful) 277

I live in a city that is overwhelmed by cruise ship passengers every summer, and I'd be happy to see the cruise ship companies die. They do everything in their power to avoid paying any local taxes and fees, have bought out or driven out of business most local businesses that cater to their passengers, hire as few locals as possible during the tourist season, and a list of sins longer than I can remember.

And really, the list of reasons why not to bail them out should only need one item: They're not American companies. Let them as Liberia or whatever country they're registered in bail them out.

Comment Re:Lol, sure, if... (Score 1) 99

Another change from terrestrial GPS receivers is that you wouldn't need to account for the differing speed of light through the atmosphere.

It's possible (for someone who knows a lot more than me) to build your own GPS receiver from first principals, which avoids the limits placed on commercial receivers (>1900km/s and/or >18,000m). Here's an example which uses a custom FPGA board, coupled to a Raspberry Pi. If a sufficiently dedicated and knowledgable person can build one at home, I suspect a satellite manufacturer could build an extra-terrestrial* version

(Apparently although GPS signals at the Earth's surface are around -130dBm, the noise floor is higher at -110dBm, which implies some RF wizardry I don't even begin to understand).

* in the literal sense of 'off Earth'

Comment Add-on supply (Score 1) 188

I suspect there'll be a market for something like a PicoPSU, to allow a 12V-only PSU to be plugged into a board which converts to all the required voltages, without requiring the motherboard to do it.

And/or, some power supplies might come with a switch to enable/disable the non-12V rails, so it can be used with either class of system.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I'm Joe Biden, and I forgot this message.

Did you Demonrats really just nominate the creepy pedo / hair sniffing / dementia patient Joe Biden?

You know, the guy who creates characters like bad dude "Corn Pop" when he's not getting overly touchy with kids? You did. You really did it.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Aw, man....

The rat-faced, Alfred E. Neumann wannabe Pete Bootyjudge dropped out.
User Journal

Journal Journal: How To Unite The Country in 3 Easy Steps

Step 1: Give the Democratic Nomination to Mini-Mike Bloomberg
Step 2: The country unites behind Trump, who wins in a landslide as both Democrats and Republicans alike seem to hate Mini-Mike "NO SODA FOR YOU!" Bloomberg.
Step 3: Reap the economic rewards of 4 more years of Trumponomics, which has given us an excellent (if not quite historic yet) economy.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Maybe. Maybe not.

Honestly I haven't decided yet.

Comment Re:Need a moderate candidate to unify (Score 0) 280

This time we need a far left progressive

You had one, his name was Obama and he was the worst President in history. Even worse than Jimmuh Cartuh.

There's a simple adage you should learn and take to heart: Liberals Ruin Everything.
You're seeing that play out now in the "Get woke go broke".

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