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Comment Re:Lots of Interview but no job... yet (Score 2) 45

*Something* you're doing is making them uncomfortable.

This! You see, the myth of meritocracy in tech hiring is so foundational that it must be something you're doing, something you're not telling us, something that's... well... just you being you. Because otherwise, we might have to acknowledge that most decisions in our industry (just like others) aren't particularly meritocratic and that would make us uncomfortable. And so, now, we can dismiss you as either a dissembler or just a social misfit, say "Sucks to be you", and go back to basking in the sunshine provided by that tiny spark of esteem that comes from succeeding where others fail. Yes, we are all moral giants, helping to build a world where all can prosper...

Comment What the hell? (Score 1) 441

How the hell does a guy who doesn't need it get a prescription drug like HGH? If he orders it from overseas, why isn't it seized when coming into the country? Why isn't the doctor whose pad the prescription came from being investigated?

Bottom line - this is just another example of a rich fuck who doesn't seem to think the rules for rest of us apply to him and a government all too willing to let the whole thing slide if you're rich enough.

Comment Re:Hahahahahahahahaha LOL (Score 3, Interesting) 441

Yeah, I think people underestimate the difficulty of extending life.


Of course, you could put evolution back on the proper track of life extension by only allowing females who had family histories showing all second-gen forebearers living past 90 to bear children, and then only by being inseminated by the sperm of men similarly sired and then only collected past the age of 75 or so to make sure their "stupid genes" didn't weed them out. Wash, rinse, repeat with cutoff ages increasing. The rest is simply culling of the herd - it might take a few hundred generations, but I'm pretty sure there'd be a few tricks left in the old genome that would let us get to be 120.

Comment Re:Us, not them (Score 1) 187

I'm fine with what you say, but I don't mind giving a animal antibiotics to prevent herd/flock infections, which can happen whenever more than one animal is raised in the same area, even if the space of confinement is larger (even a free range). You act as if giving a vaccination to a child was a heinous thing - after all, they've gotten... dum, dum, dum... injected!

Comment Re:The real problem... (Score 1) 187

I actually don't give much of a crap about kicking monkeys and other animals around - it doesn't happen that often. At least not compared with the number of animals tortured, driven to extinction, and dying due to environmental degradation. There'd be a lot more monkeys left if animal rights guys would stop focusing their efforts on these stupid issues and start suing people who cut down too many trees or burn too much carbon. Just sayin'.

Comment Re:If the wacko conspiracy theorists hadn't been s (Score 1) 719

Two years ago, the intelligent, thinking people realized that the most powerful person in the US government, the president, can't even get a blow job without the whole country hearing about it.

Wow! I thought that was more like 1998-ish - closer to ten years ago. I know I wanted to forget about 2000 and the Bush election and a lot of Obama's terms, but I didn't want to forget it so much I traveled in time like you!

Comment Re:The case of Idaho is particularly interesting (Score 1) 484

Well, you must be smoking something assuming that Idaho would legalize. Boise might be down with it, but the rest of state, due to its high rate of Mormon population, will never let it happen. Remember that Mormonism is a high indicator of Libertarian- (or Republican-) leaning behavior. They'll vote as Mormons first, not as Libertarians. And Mormons don't want legal weed in Idaho.

Comment Re:They're a resource, not a "problem". (Score 1) 307

It would be. So would learning how to change the paper in a printer. So would be training for reading documentation thoroughly. And giving presentations. And enough accounting and finance to get by talking with a CFO. There are many things that could be useful to many students. But this is CS. And there's already a lot of material to cover. Teaching is no more important than any of those other things.

Comment Re:Can you say... (Score 1) 266

That's effectively what they are. They don't do the testing. They simply tell you how much testing you have to do before you don't get charged with a federal crime by selling your poison. If you left it to the courts (which is what all Libertarian types like to do), you'd be decrying judges finding against doctors who prescribed under-tested products because that's not "free market" either. So to fight it, you go about bandying "facts" like implying that the FDA does the testing. They don't they just set the standards. Or should theree be no standards? Do you hate them, as well?

Just face it - you folks hate government and there's not a damn thing it ever does right in your eyes. As such, you're not adding to the debate - you're just mouthing platitudes. Yes we remember your side of the issue. Though, honestly, we've heard it before. And sadly, it's just as stupid now as when we first heard it. It's as religious to the free market as Catholics are to Christ. Take your faith-based economics and go away.

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