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User Journal

Journal Journal: Linkage

(Cross posted, with inline images at LJ)

Couple nifty things that have come up recently.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Thunderbird problem: lots o files in home dir

I'm running thunderbird 1.0.2 and have this odd problem. I get a lot of empty files in my home directory, there are a few types of files. Some have numbers for names, some have email addresses, and others have email subject lines. It seems to make these for all the emails I get. I'm using IMAP. Does anyone have any idea?

User Journal

Journal Journal: 2 in one week

This past week has been fairly tiring. The group I work in entered itself in a software competition, where we have to 'process' data and pull specific types of information out of it. We however started only a month before hand. The last week comes around and overtime is dictated, oye. So I end up working and extra 42 hours in the week before the deadline. Sadly I don't think it was enough, maybe management will realize that a month isn't enough time for anything serious, probably not tho

User Journal

Journal Journal: Abby Sixtoes 2

I would like to introduce everyone to Abby Sixtoes. After seeing her at the Plano shelter last weekend I decided I'd go ahead and get her. Another cat I was interested in got adopted between then and now so figured I should jump on Abby since I liked her too.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Tivo Redux 3

So I got a Tivo last night and it's all setup and working. w00t I say.

Per my previous entry:
Tivo series 2 ( the current ones ) are useless without the initial setup
It is possible to do initial setup without a phone line.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Tivo setup 'help' 7

Need a little tivo experience if someone has it.

I want to get a tivo but don't have a phone line.

From what I understand I only need the phone line for the initial setup and can use my broadband connection afterwards ( which also gives me neat features like transfering music to the tivo and recorded shows to the computer.

User Journal

Journal Journal: w00t, el couch 1

Finally. when I come home tomorrow I should have a nice big blue couch in my apartment. The big round swivel chair I've had planted in the middle of the living room has sufficed, but the couch will help things feel more like home finally.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Ergo keyboard with no number pad for $50?

I need an ergo keyboard at work and have a $50/$60 limit which means I can't get the nice gold touch adjustible. I just need and ergo keyboard without a keypad. Why is this so hard to find for not a ton of money?

Anyone know of a beast that fits this?


User Journal

Journal Journal: To Have Not 1

My living room is a large cave, it has the random thing to lean on and even a small boulder to sit on alone, and a magic drawing box to entertainment, but it is lacking. there is no centerpiece on which people can sit and be comfortable.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Zoom Zoom 7

I have a new car!!

well almost.

Yesterday I signed all the paper work for a Mazda 3 5-door. I need to spend next week doing some weird paper shuffling with my credit union to get the loan check, but I'll be able to pick up the car on Tuesday. Very nice.

User Journal

Journal Journal: D 4

Well I am in Dallas :)

Well actually Plano, but close enough.

Drive from Atlanta went well though friend and I had to drive in seperate vehicles. We took turns driving hew new Scion xA and the Budget truck towing my geo. The budget truck was not that bad, and much better than the uhaul I drove a couple weeks ago.

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Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
