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Journal Flamesplash's Journal: Zoom Zoom 7

I have a new car!!

well almost.

Yesterday I signed all the paper work for a Mazda 3 5-door. I need to spend next week doing some weird paper shuffling with my credit union to get the loan check, but I'll be able to pick up the car on Tuesday. Very nice.

This was all fairly fast for me, I test drove the car on wed, went back to pick out a color on thur, and sign all the paper work friday. And it's my first new car.

I'm very excited about a new and somewhat sporty car despite being a mini hatchback. I'm a little sad at having to get rid of my 95 geo prizm, it's been a great car. I'll probably donate it to a charity or organization that would use it rather than trade it in or sell it.

Zoom Zoom

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Zoom Zoom

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  • so what did you decide on?
    • I got the Strato Blue. It's the darker one that is a little purple-ish.

      I actually liked the grey's they had for this car, but the grey's are the only ones I ever see so I went with something different.

      Why is it you can't find green in new cars these days?

      • Because green is unpopular for some reason.

        We have a green car (element) and a grey car (new beetle).

        Why a Mazda 3? I saw a couple of them on the road, both being driven like station wagons by old men. 55 mph in the slow lane in a 75. grr.
        • well more a process of elimination. My goal was for a good mpg car that can hold bigger stuff when need be. So, a hatchback sedan.

          The Scion xA was my top runner for a while, it's really cheap for all the perks. $13.5k and comes with power everything and ABS. However when I moved to TX with my friend who had an xA I drove it for 400 miles and it was a little cramped for me. Mainly there wasn't enough room for my knees to go off to the side. It was still a contender though.

          Also, my friend and I decide

          • Because they're old dudes is my assumption.

            We bought the element based on the trip we were taking, and the fact that it has a KICK-ASS clutch & gearshift. Smoothest shifting car I've ever driven (which I guess isn't saying much, as I've only driven 3 other cars with a stick, but it's still a kickass breadbox). At the time, there was the DX and the EX version... the EX had a sun roof, air conditioning, cd player, etc. The DX didn't come with a radio.

            We bought the beetle because I needed a commuter. And
            • Ah the Element, I likes it. My ex got one 2 years ago and we definetly put it to use, I guess she got the EX cause it had a radio though I dun remember the sunroom. Which did you get?

              I should get the mazda today, knock on press board, pictures will ensue when it and the current car meet.

Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.
