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Comment Re:Since these people still don't get it.... (Score 1) 79

Don't get me wrong: safer programming languages and runtimes definitely help, especially with buffer overflows (thanks C++!), but it's one aspect of many that impact security.

it won't prevent devs from concatenating SQL with user input

You can't do this in, say Haskell, unless you write your own SQL interface library that builds solely on strings.

Granted, I lost interest in Haskell somewhere around hitting the Functor/Monad point, but if devs can send raw SQL to the database, they will do so.

misusing threading primitives

You can't do this in concurrent safe languages, like Concurrent ML, Rust and Haskell.

Yes, you can.

So basically, safety properties have importance on par with domain requirements, and must be subject to the same rigour that domain features get, ie. testing, verification, etc.

Good luck spreading that attitude. Makers of device drivers, SCADA, etc., dearly need it.

Basically, the safer the language, in the sense that the more properties can be assured at compile-time, the more features and safety properties you can verify, and the fewer security vulnerabilities.

That helps get us closer, certainty. The language and runtime can help catch/eliminate common, elementary mistakes. It's not the silver bullet though: wherever creative work is being done, therein lies the potential for new vulnerabilities.

Comment Re:Ugh - The "classic" control panel is the best. (Score 2) 347

stop finding, just type, the top right search bar from the control panel will find just about anything by name or description, just like the new start menu (winkey then type what you want)

as far as i am concerned win 7 is the pinnacle of the MS windows UI. I used 8 "metro"/"modern" once it was such utter shit i will never use it, steam OS is close enough I will switch to linux full time and only buy steam games that work on linux or wine.

Comment Re:Since these people still don't get it.... (Score 1) 79

Anything computerized with a network connection can (and most likely WILL) be hacked...

Not if you take appropriate precautions, like using a safe programming language.

Don't be naive... security is a deep and subtle problem, full of nasty surprises. There is no magic bullet solution... your "safe programming language" has thousands of bugs in its standard API and run-time; it won't prevent devs from concatenating SQL with user input, misusing threading primitives, or bungling up an authentication protocol; it certainly won't patch up the numerous ways of subverting https or the modern web browser. To be secure (or have a reasonably good chance at being secure), you must at minimum use an approach where (1) security is a primary design concern thru the entire product lifecycle, (2) security solutions are deployed in a structured/layered approach using (3) actual expertise, and (4) security is an ongoing program with both proactive and reactive elements.

(Convincing your government to help software/hardware/network companies fix their security problems instead of purposely introducing them would be a good idea too, but it looks like society is determined to learn this the hard way.)

Comment Re:One crap audio brand battling with another (Score 2) 328

I am american, I would balk at spending $230 on headphones, right now I am using a $30 logitech USB headset, and to me that was pricey for headphones, but worth it because being USB it gets it's own sound device when plugged in and I can route certain sources to headphones while others still go to the speakers.

Comment Celebrities are targeted more. (Score 1) 622

But out of the millions of nude photos that are probably sent between cell phone users every month, a vanishly small proportion of them get stolen in security breaches of cloud storage.

But J-Law is not an anonymous nobody that only a very small number of people want to see naked.

There's no reason to think that Jennifer Lawrence and other victims of the hacking scandal underestimated the risk of the photos being stolen from the cloud. If anything, most users are probably over-estimating the risk today

She is not most users, she's a special case. Her risk is not the same, she's much more visible, much more desired.

It's not just a sample of random numbers, there's value attached to these images, and the value of most user's images is much lower than the value of those who are professionally attractive. Something of greater value is obviously at a greater risk of unauthorized access than something of average value.

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