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Comment Re:nice trick (Score 1) 5

I don't know who Jay Cost is, but Ace of Ace of Spades HQ is reliably conservative. I had to look and see who posted that, if it was Gabriel Malor I'd agree with you more as Malor's more of a squishy moderate.

Comment Re:Give a hoot (Score 1) 5

As a Catholic, I believe we should be good stewards of God's creation.

However -- CO2 isn't pollution -- it's plant food. And we shouldn't have to pay Al Gore (how convenient!) "Carbon Credits" to exhale.

I've written about this kind of thing before though -- there are two things that the government has to control in order to truly own you -- your health, and the environment. Every choice you make affects one or both of those things. Control that, and government controls you.

Patrick Henry had the right idea. "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

Comment Re:Interesting you think Walker's a softy (Score 1) 25

I think he's soft on Amnesty, not a soft candidate. I'm a secure the border and send the illegals to the back of the immigration line type.

To be fair, Rick "In-State Tuition For Illegals" Perry has the same problem.

I will admit, I am not as familiar with Walker as I am with Perry, Perry had been a very good Governor here for 12 years.

Abbott is even better. We're (hopefully) about to get Open Carry.

I'm only sworn to heckler veto Jeb, if nominated.

Understood -- I've just expanded my list to include Christie, Suckabee, and Fiorina.

My top 5 choices are in this order right now: 1. Cruz 2. Perry 3. Walker 4. Carson 5. Rubio, I guess.

Comment Re:For my dear brother Knight (Score 1) 25

This is how I feel about everybody other than Carson, Rubio, and Santorum. And even those three, well, I've got my questions about.

The thing that really bugs me about amnesty isn't where the people are coming from; it's that if we are a society governed by the rule of law, we shouldn't reward people who break the law by letting them at the front of the line.

I want the government to
1. Secure the Border, because if unvaccinated Mexicans are sneaking across with diseases previously wiped out in this country then so are ISIS members...
2. Reform Immigration by letting people who want to come here get here. Get them vaccinated, get them health care, teach them English, and let them in to integrate with American society.However, this will require an overhaul of the welfare state as we just can't afford to add several million freeloaders.

For Common Core... what are we doing to our kids? That stuff is completely insane.

For matters of Social Justice and helping the poor... Personally, I'd give more if I could. If, say, my taxes were lowered, I could give even more to Catholic Charities where the return on investment is far, far greater than it is in a Government Ponzi scheme.

Look at Hurricane Katrina... FEMA's response was (deservedly) criticized. What's overlooked was how effective Churches and Charities were in helping people in need.

Comment Re:Cross post in The Onion? (Score 1) 25

Advocating those goofs is a troll

Says a likely Fauxcohontas supporter.

You liberals pretending to be "moderates" or "centrists" never get old.

OK, I don't mean that. It's tired and worn out. Like your whole "why vote nothing changes" act out one side of your mouth while supporting Democrats out of the other side. Just admit you got fooled by hope and change and voted for Obama twice, then tear up your voters registration card because you're clearly too stupid to vote.

Now we know you really do want Hillary for prez.

I think you have me confused with someone else as I'm completely opposed to Statism.

Obama : Mussolini :: Hillary : Adolf Hitler

And really, do we want another Clinton stuffing things in intern's and aid's orifices again?

I mean, you know Hillary is in a relationship with Huma, right?
User Journal

Journal Journal: The 2016 Field So Far... 25

Jeb Bush

Jeb supports amnesty for illegals, supports Common Core, and will likely raise taxes. Jeb is also a believer in the mythical deity sometimes called "Global Warming" or "Climate Change" (or "manbearpig", junior Al Gorean!).


If the GOP is dumb enough to nominate Jeb, they will convince me to finally leave the Republican Party. I suspect they'll convince a number of other Tea Partiers to leave as well.

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