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Comment Re:I'd actually like to talk about this (Score 1) 3

What do you want to talk about?

There's enough negative in this bill as it is right now that no amount of positive could outweigh all that negative -- unless you scrapped the whole thing and started over with input from all concerned, not just the (I know this is redundant, but) liberal idiots.

Comment So... (Score 1) 6

I think I was able to explain my views and how they come from my first principles, how liberty must be respected; and I told them I understood they just wanted health care for everyone, no matter how it happened.

What exactly did you say?

I already know our Congressman, a very conservative fellow, is against this mess. I'm sure that there are parts that aren't completely insane, but since they have to yea/nay on the whole thing, I know he's voting NAY.

Thank Heavens Voinovich The Traitor is getting out of the Senate. I hope we can vote in someone with common sense. Brown is, I'm sure, going to vote for it.

Comment Let alone breathe (Score 1) 7

3. If you still believe that Obama isn't a fascist, then I'm surprised you're reading this - I wouldn't guess you'd be smart enough to use a computer.

I'm constantly surprised that these people can continue to breathe... I wouldn't think they have enough brain cells to support respiration...

4. If you voted for Obama you owe the country an apology, and if you're not apologetic - then you're weapons grade retarded and should take steps to insure that you never vote again. You obviously can't handle the responsibility.

I saw this today...

In addition to not voting any more, wherever possible it would be wise to prevent reproduction.

Comment Do you think it will get that far? (Score 1) 12

I think that the American people will not stand for this, and that at some point, some extremely disgruntled person(s) will start reacting violently to all of this.

I note that the article states that only companies who are getting federal money will go through this. I'm not sure how far reaching that will be.


Rep. Alan Grayson, the Florida Democrat who wrote the bill, told me its basic message is "you should not get rich off public money, and you should not get rich off of abject failure." Grayson expects the bill to pass the House, and as we talked, he framed the issue in a way to suggest that virtuous lawmakers will vote for it, while corrupt lawmakers will vote against it.

I'm laughing my ass off because a Democratic congressman is telling the world that people shouldn't get rich off public money.

Calling Senators Chris Dodd and B. Hussein Obama... are you listening to what your fellow Democrats are saying?

Comment Memory Foam (Score 1) 10

We have the memory foam pillows that came with our Serta memory foam bed. They are very comfortable IMO.

We got ours at a local bedding shop called Sleep Outfitters. I've no idea if they're a national chain or not.

Comment Re:Good News! (Score 1) 569

Your answers are correct, but they don't address the OP's question.

When the company is looking at a resume, they're not going to know anything about the applicant's ability to ask those three questions.

OP: I do embedded systems, which are all in C or C++ (in Europe, I'm told Ada is popular in some areas). My windows developer friends all do C#/.Net, and/or C++.

Comment Re:You have eyes, but you do not see (Score 1) 19

You don't know either one of us. I was making a joke to the guy who responded to my post.

But I've read what you wrote below, and it sounds like you really do have blinders over your eyes.

We've been sold out. You're just too blind or ignorant to see it.

At least now I know... you're not interested in solutions; you only want to prop up Hussein Obama and make excuses for him.

Good luck with that.

You DID waste your time discussing something political with him -- you posted a reply to his post.

Your forgiveness for not allowing the public to see the pork bill before he signed it is ridiculous. Not that it would have mattered anyway; he and the liberal congress aren't going to listen to objections, anyway. But this is going to be typical for anything he wants: it will be an "emergency."

The assertion you make that Obama wants only what's best for the people is also horseshit. HE WANTS WHAT IS BEST FOR HIMSELF AND THE INTEREST GROUPS WHO GOT HIM ELECTED. If you can't see that, you need to visit an ophthalmologist. (Or your local neighborhood pharmacologist and get your meds checked.)

Politics isn't about what's best for everyone. Perhaps at one time it was, but it's not now.

I'm done. If this were IRC I'd put you on /ignore. So don't bother responding to this. I don't want to read your rationalizations.

Very sad.

Comment Points (Score 1) 19

#5 - Everything is an "emergency" now. This is just politics as usual. "We have to do SOMETHING! So what if it's the wrong thing to do?! People can't blame us, because at least we did SOMETHING!" (Those who've read Atlas Shrugged will recognize that one.)

Comment Re:You have eyes, but you do not see (Score 1) 19

I don't know you, but this sounds like a coward's way out. Why did you even bother to post this? "I have something to say, but you're not going to like what I have to say so I'm not going to." If that's the case, why bother??

Also, you're not just posting to RailGunner, but also to those of us who read his JE's.

If you have well-reasoned arguments counter to what's in the article, why not post them?

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