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Comment you and I are the liberals (Score 1) 124

So-called liberals were only liberal about things in the era when they were on the outside, trying to break thru to get in. Now that they're on the inside and running things, they're the exact opposite, of course. Because they never really were about a liberal approach to things, of course, they were only about wresting power.

"Liberal" was just a misnomer for Progressives before they got control. People who've noticed the misuse of power on both sides and are opposed to it (on both sides) are actual liberals. But such creatures are a miniscule minority in the modern world.

Comment Re:Oh-oh, here we go :-( (Score 1) 124

However, to be accredited, it has to meet certain standards. One of them is no discrimination based on religious beliefs or on sexuality or sexual expression.

That's news to me. I assumed what was being accredited was the curriculum, not how PC the administrative policies are.

But in this age of flagrant misuse of power, there's no limit to what "standards" can include.

Next, the Left might as well threaten Christian doctors who volunteer in disease-stricken areas, of "medical malpractice" and revoking of their license to practice medicine, not because of anything medical, but for also talking about their faith. I mean, that's close enough, right?

Comment Re:Why do so many liberals despise Christianity? (Score 1) 124

Which is why all those Africa nations that has had so many good Christians go over there and help them for over a thousand years (with no help from those atheists, according to the article smitty linked) is now so prosperous

Once upon a time, young liberal padawan, there was a country called Rhodesia that was the "Breadbasket of Africa", easily producing enough food to make the country a net exporter, and creating 400,000 jobs.

Then a Marxist named Robert Mugabe took over and turned it into a shithole called Zimbabwe.

So don't blame missionaries for trying to help, blame Statists for fucking things up like they always do.

Comment Why do so many liberals despise Christianity? (Score 1) 124

Simple -- Because Karl Marx realized that religious people would never submit to an all powerful State when they were praying to the all Powerful God. In other words, Christians living their faith, giving money to the poor and other corporal works of mercy don't need a nanny state to take care of them.

Karl Marx's biggest enemy? The Catholic Church.

Comment Re:You misspelled God (Score 1) 102

So God chose to make imperfect people,

Is it more rewarding when you make a careful argument and people who think like you agree with you, or when people who don't already think like you find the brilliance in it? Why does smitty like his Leftie tormentors more than his fellow Conservatives? Because convincing one of them of something once in a blue moon is way better than predictable agreement.

and then have them suffer over and over ...

Whoa, who's been having who suffer? God set us up the frickin' Garden of Eden. We could've lived in paradisiacal world, but we decided that somehow we knew better than God, so God said fine, try it your way for a while. How's that been working out for us.

Comment Re:You misspelled God (Score 1) 102

yet he left the Nazis and Commies alone

Have you ever read the entirety of the Old Testament? There were times when God allowed the Jews to be conquered to teach them a lesson. Have you considered the possibility that the American GI was doing God's Will when stomping the Nazi's? (Well, stomping them enough that they went underground and re-emerged as "Progressives" or "liberals".)

God does exist, and he does loves us, but not in the way most people think... or find comfortable.

Telling us that we're incapable of getting to Heaven on our own and sending His only begotten Son to die in our place seems like just the thing an infinite Love would do.

Comment Re:Ridiculous (Score 3, Insightful) 139

Most who remember the TV show 6 million dollar man, that was footage of a DynaSoar's unsuccessful landing

Nope...that footage was of two experimental lifting-body aircraft from Northrop, the HL-10 and M2-F2. The crash footage was of the M2-F2. Earlier in the credits, the HL-10 is shown being dropped from a B-52.

User Journal

Journal Journal: new job criteria, prologue 1

As with any job, there are some plusses and minusses at where I currently slave away. A pro is that our newish sys admin pushes us onto newer versions of things software. In contrast to our senior developers, who don't want the group to move to more modern development practices.

Comment moof (Score 1) 3

I run the server version of Windows 8.1 at work, and have all my apps pinned to the task bar or whatever. Same for when I was running Windows 7 prior; never went to the Start menu (because I've always hated it). I shudder to think if there are very many people that sift thru that hierarchical behemoth of a usability nightmare each time they want to launch an application. Then they'd see live tiles jiggling in their face, but hopefully practically no one is that silly. As you say, I think most people like to customize/optimize their workspace.

Speaking of which, every time we move to a new version of Visual Studio at work (on our 5th now), I waste time fiddling with it getting my child windows arranged and toolbar buttons that I like and the keyboard shortcuts that I like. Some employee productivity will be lost when moving to something new, but only initially.

And as far as social media feeds, people already spasmodically check their phones for that. And they probably don't want their employer knowing how much/often they're farting around with social media while at work. Since nowadays everyone knows your employer monitors your computer activity, I would think people wouldn't even set that up or use it on their work computer. Better on their phones where only the government can see it.

p.s. On a personal note, while your wanting to return to Slashdot is quite mind-boggling, I'm very glad to hear that you're doing okay.

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