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Comment Re:Such a landmark decision (Score 1) 55

Funny thing is, on Solidot, GP anon would be rated 5, and jbolden would be rated -1.
The common sentiment on Chinese social media would also corroborate those ratings.

A little comparing your own underbelly with other's best faces, plus some cultural ignorance, and you get comedy like this on both sides of the ocean.

Comment Re:Bradley Manning (Score 1) 349

Average Twitter celebrity = Charles Xue
Bradley/Chelsea Manning = ???Chinese military whistle blower???

Average Twitter celebrity: still tweeting; Charles Xue: arrested, made to confess on TV
Bradley/Chelsea Manning: 35 years in jail; ???Chinese military whistle blower???: the world will never know this man or his fate

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 133

It's probably more about culture than about the object itself. I would guess because it was central to the huge media coverage, it has come represents the moment when the public consciousness expanded to the (preexisting) accessibility of homemade firearms. It marked a "holy shit I didn't realize that" moment for the general population.

Comment Re:Moo (Score 1) 273

I wonder if this will alter the metrics used by college ranking organizations. IIRC, US News ranking system considers the number of tenured professors teaching undergrad as one of their measures of success, which has been offered as an explanation of why Princeton has been shooting up the ranks in the past years (and actually edging out Harvard this year).

Comment Re:Typical psychological mambo jambo. (Score 3, Informative) 373

While I think that's true for real disease in the biological sense, strange disease-like phenomena can arise from a confluence of seemingly unrelated factors.

And it raises the question if these phenomena spread like disease and harm like disease, should they be viewed any differently?

Comment Re:Free Market? LoL (Score 1) 688

If they were indeed corporatists, they would be be championing and empowering Tesla as one of the new generation of technology conglomerates that allows the US to out-compete its economic adversaries. It seems to be some small-town protectionism from representatives who fear accusations of "destroying Texan jobs", or worse *gasp* "allowing Californians to make money off of Texas" when elections come around.

Comment Re:Slashdot Canidate (Score 4, Insightful) 688

Most Slashdotters can understand that being a Liberal does not necessarily make one a Socialist or Communist. Why then do we accept the pigeonholing of all Libertarians as Anarchists/Anarcho-Capitalists? Those among the political right who cast the diverse group we know as Liberals into Socialist/Communist box are mocked for their ignorance -- and rightfully so. Yet, those among the political left who cast the diverse group we know as Libertarians into the Anarchist/Anarcho-Capitalist box are applauded, rewarded as is the case here through moderation.

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