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Comment Re:Move to a gated community (Score 1) 611

Your quality of life may be improved if you did not have to commute into the city thus saving you valuable time, reducing your taxes by not having to build ever larger free ways, by not having to pay more and more for gas and parking each year. A more worthy goal?

Some people have to work were the retail centres are. Most other city business does not need to be done in a city centre any more. chucking more free ways at is does not solve the problem.

And those few hours are the rush hours. What you are asking for is to scale the roads to handle the maximum possible capacity when in reality outside those few hours a day they have a 5%(or whatever) usage. And you want your taxes to do that? Have you ever done that in any other situation and do you know how much it costs to have that much capacity which mostly stands unused. (roads cost a lot to maintain.

Comment Re:Move to a gated community (Score 1) 611

And where do you put all the cars when they get to the city? More parking spaces needed. This helps people move further out and require more transport to get to the city and requires even bigger free ways and even more parking. So all you end up doing is causing people to spend more time and money travelling. More on taxes for the ever larger free ways and ever more for parking when they get there. Yet it still will not remove the traffic problems. All traffic passing through the city (as in not stopping there) will still be screwed. And all to try to resolve a few hours a day when peak traffic occurs.

Look up Smeed's Law (average speed part)

Comment Re:I'm quite surprised it wasn't (Score 1) 523

The US is producing U238 at about 1.5kg per year and only since 2012/2013. A decade late for this probe.
I don't disagree with you in general but the 1.5kg solar panels + batteries + electronics (total about 12 kg) would have to be replaced with a RTG + batteries (smaller) + electronics. And if the current RTGs are anything to go by there may also have to be a lot of plumbing and pumps and things to cycle the heat through the lander (if it was more mass effiecient then the RT Heaters used to keep it warm)

You can scale the current RTG's down as they are not designed for it. A totally new design would be needed and I doubt a SNAP 19 would be applicable even if anyone could make one now without a totaly new retooling (modern US RTGs are based around stacking "General Purpose Heat Source"s together. They are certified for reentry and other damage but they are not a component of a SNAP 19. Let alone the fact that it is a US design so would require buy in from them. And at the time getting the fuel would require cooperation with Russia. Two extra countries to meddle with and mess up your budget.

Comment Re:Marketing gimmick (Score 1) 164


I did not read the actual article. When I clicked on the comment link I got dumped halfway into the comments (is that a new fun slashdot thing? That they don't want you to start reading at the top?

Beside the point. I should have read the article even though my comment was more about hitting 2 billion rather then if it was a problem sorted before or after youtube hit it. I just watched it again to be sure I was not imagining it (and to crank up the numbers. my little contribution to getting to 2^ may take a while :P


Comment Re:Marketing gimmick (Score 1) 164

Who said they had not already noticed this coming up and already changed code to allow the counter to continue working.

If they did it before or after the rollover does not really matter. The fact that 2^31 hits occurred is in its own right stunning.
Another way of saying it that is not quite as impressive but still strange is that over 1/3 of the population of earth could have watched it (they didn't but 7billion/2billion)

Comment Re:Attack the messenger (Score 1) 409

Radiation therapy should not have been mentioned. That is directed at a particular area of the body to kill pretty much everything there. It is hoped that the tissue that the radiation beams (multiple) pass through on the way to the target are not adversely affected. The sum effect of those beam in the affected area should kill everything there.

So nothing like radiation in your environment in terms of being therapeutic.

There are places on earth with significantly higher natural radiation than others but they are 7 or 8 orders of magnitude from some of the hot spots in the areas surrounding Chernobyl

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