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Comment Re:Works both way... (Score 1) 435

people may be in dire need of a job and are quite willing to downgrade the pay just to stay working.

Right - And as soon as things get better, they'll be out the door. That's pretty much the GP's point.

in a bad econ (ie, this one!)

We currently have the most employee-friendly economy and job market so far this millennium. Yes, the current low unemployment rate might drive up pay a bit over the next few years, but overall, it doesn't get much better than this.

even good people get fired

Good people get laid off. Even complete wastes of flesh are usually forced to quit rather than outright fired. Actually being terminated for cause isn't just "bad luck", it means you screwed up royally - You got busted stealing, or nailing the boss' daughter on his desk, or are so incompetent that you didn't just contribute nothing, you outright cost the company many times your salary due to gross negligence.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 244

How many times have we suddenly decided we *Need* that gadget only after we saw the commercial for it?

I won't be so naive as to claim that advertising has no effect on me (though when I can detect it, it has a strongly negative effect)...

But I can honestly say the situation you describe hasn't happened since I was still a dumb 12YO watching Saturday morning cartoons and desperately wanting some crappy cereal (often only for the toy inside).

Comment Re:And Chrome makes itself suck even *more* for ga (Score 1) 122

when do you think it's useful to run games in background tabs

Two obvious situations come to mind. First, "Idle" games, where you basically just let it run in the background and check in on it once an hour. And second - Let's say I want to look something up (maybe a Wiki for the game itself) in another tab; online games typically do not react gracefully to losing their network connection, and I would be shocked if being throttled for more than 100-250ms per second wouldn't have almost the same effect.

anything that gets the abomination known as flash off the web sooner is a good thing.

If you don't want to run Flash - Then don't. My computer? Not yours to decide what runs on it.

Comment Re:No (Score 2) 537

and sports provide a lot of experiences that are as valuable as what yo lean in the classroom

C'mon, man - I'm not going to bullshit you and claim that the ivory tower perfectly mirrors what the working world wants; but college athletics have nothing to do with anything in the real world.

College sports is a money-grab, period. Sure, the sports at bottom-tier schools may not directly bring in much revenue - But take a look at what any college sends its alums when begging for money. New library? One paragraph in the bottom left corner of page 9. Government and industry research ties? Half a page that focuses exclusively on possible military applications. SHINY NEW STADIUM? FRONT AND CENTER, MOTHER-FUCKERS! GIVE US MONEY!.

Comment And Chrome makes itself suck even *more* for games (Score 1) 122

First, they block flash by default (yeah, Flash sucks - But 90% of online games still use it, and I want them to work); Unity virtually never works in Chrome; and now Google wants to cripple the small number of games that follow their own damned guidelines by using pure JS/HTML5?

I wouldn't care quite so much if Mozilla didn't appear dead set on committing suicide, but at this rate, I'll be running Edge by the end of the year!

Comment Re:Overpriced (Score 1) 101

As someone stuck on 4G as my best option for home internet, I would pay $300/month for unlimited (and unthrottled) bandwidth in a frickin' heartbeat, and that even limited to purely domestic use.

As it is, after overage charges, I usually pay half that for 10+10, and that's living about as close to the "digital bohemian" life I can stand.

And FWIW, AT&T currently considers 22GB/month "unlimited", beyond which they "prioritize" your data to a trickle.

Comment Re:How (Score 1) 79

The only part of that that sounds potentially unkosher is the unlimited miles on the leases. Everything else looks like just a matter of people failing to do their own damned due diligence.

Every employer brags about their awesome compensation package; any employee making $20.50/hour (the average for a NYC Uber driver) who thinks they'll make $90k a year damned well better plan on working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. And their leases sucked? Hey, maybe shop the fuck around before you pay someone (especially your employer) for a product or service offered by a million other sources?

Comment Re:Despite enthusiasm at the box office (Score 1) 399

What enthusiasm? The fact that when all your showings are in 3D people reluctantly choose it over the 2D showing that you aren't even offering?

This. Citing the success of Avatar? Avatar succeeded despite being in 3d, not because of it.

During the whole thankfully-short boxoffice 3d craze of the early 2010's, I can count the number of people who told me they liked it on zero hands; meanwhile, virtually every conversation about seeing a recent movie started with something like "at least the 3d wasn't too distracting".

Comment Re:Pussy says what? (Score 1) 564

I actually thought he might do it just because he's effectively in prison now, as a way out that lets him save face.

Clearly, I gave him too much credit. He's apparently content to live out the rest of his days in a gilded cage, grasping at any pathetic attempt to stay in the spotlight-of-disgrace.

Comment Re:liar (Score 1) 564

How could you possibly interpret his statement like that?

Because he said almost exactly that? Fuck the bankers? Cool. Fuck the DNC for rigging their own primary? Hey, no fair!

People seem set on ignoring the single most important detail about this "partisan" issue - The people wanted Sanders vs Trump; the GOP grudgingly honored the will of its constituents (even though they largely expected to lose as a result), while the DNC rigged every step of their primaries to get the "right" woman on the ticket (and did lose as a result).

As for "one sided" - Nope!, the Russians hacked both sides, they just didn't find anything "juicy" enough about the GOP to bother with.

Comment Re:Verizon is going to get in trouble (Score 2) 139

Do you have your clothes dryer vent professionally cleaned every six months?

Did you know that, in the US alone, 2,900 home clothes dryer fires are reported each year and cause an estimated 5 deaths, 100 injuries, and $35 million in property loss?

By comparison, only 96 credible reports of Note 7 fires exist, causing 13 burns and damaging property 47 times, making the known-defective Note 7 roughly 30 times safer than a non-defective clothes dryer.

Are you willing to accept the responsibility in case your clothes dryer results in injuries and death to others? Just to avoid a MINOR inconvenience?

Comment Re:Ironic (Score 1) 165

If you can do a thing and legally get away with it because the legal system in that country is corrupt or broken, then it by definition is "perfectly acceptable".

"That country", in this case, is the US. Knowingly filing a frivolous police report in the US is not "perfectly acceptable" or something you just "get away with".

why should I take the word of some random person on the internet over that of the actual legal authorities in a place?

You shouldn't! Of course, on the flip-side of that, no doubt you can provide an on-the-record statement by the "actual legal authorities" of Las Vegas saying they consider wasting their time as a PR stunt just peachy-keen?

Comment Re:Hackers? (Score -1, Offtopic) 86

Majority of voters? You mean "DWS, Podesta, and other key DNC officials", surely?

The majority of voters just do what the guy with the nicest hair tells them.
The DNC, blatantly conspired to keep a dirty Jew off the ticket, and cost themselves an election that was theirs to throw away in a year when it really mattered.

One is just ignorant. The other is fucking evil and proud of it.

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