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Comment Re:$10 mil?! (Score 2) 23

Or order some crap from China and call it done

Precisely that. There were lots of factories around, in those years, just waiting for somebody to contract them, provide the brand name and logo etc, and they could have pumped out as many as the guy cared to order.

They didn't even have to be 'crap' as there were many quite reasonably priced and feature packed mobiles being designed and sold online, just with a brand name you never heard before, and no Android updates ever released.

For a relatively small costs (assuming he pocketed $10 million) he could have had branded product on the streets, which probably would have negated such charges against him. Pure laziness, if you ask me.

Comment All systems are still compromised tho (Score 1) 57

Sure, they can unlock the encrypted files, but every device still needs to be considered compromised. You can't find every hidden trojan these scum may have inserted, and restoring encrypted files is only part of the solution as there is usually a large amount of fuckery done to the registry as well.

I imagine that they will still need to rebuild every device before letting it back onto their network, to prevent immediate re-infection.

Comment With only two OS updates? (Score 2) 133

My biggest problem with Motorola is the short term OS support. Same with many other Android device vendors. When the hardware suits your needs and you want to keep using it, but can no longer get OS updates or security patches, how viable will the device be for doing important work with, or storing valuable data? Will you want to be patching together your own Android version and keeping it secure, able to be certified as safe and retaining access to online app stores?

Comment Re: Zoom's owner tells the story (Score 1) 160

Again, young black men are the greatest human danger to young black men in the US. BY FAR.

If that is true, then isn't that even more reason that young black men should be able to depend on the police for protection, so that they can then move on to dealing with their 'greatest human danger' with the confidence that the police will back the up against those who are a threat to them?

Comment Re:Power seems irrelevant (Score 1) 111

Based on some of the questions on gaming and PC subreddits recently, there are quite a few gamers who simply don't understand how to spec out a great gaming PC. The console is the best option for the less technically minded, who just need to know why all their school work has not left enough memory to install fortnite.

Comment Re:More Secure? Maybe... (Score 1) 93

There's no point in being able to put together billions of guesses in 3 seconds, if you can't verify them against the system you are trying to break into, within a reasonable amount of time also. I have never seen any convincing argument for producing authentication software which allows a person to retry their password after a failure, without at least a couple of seconds of delay and counting the number of failed attempts.

So I don't understand the pop-scare references to that future quantum/AI/whatever ability to break everyone's security, unless we also produce quantum computers which allow nanosecond or faster authentication retries, and don't pause for a sanity check after the two millionth incorrect password has been entered in one attempted login. Wouldn't you just write software which registered suspicious activity locked out the account for 10 minutes after every 5 failed passwords?

Comment Re:Sandwich (Score 1) 214

While dog-fighting in No Mans Sky is not very difficult, it looks pretty damned good, and the vast arena you fly around in never feels close to your face. Tracking a fighter as it moves above and behind you is a lot different than just staring out the front window of the cockpit, it requires a lot of head movement and awareness of the depths and distances.

Comment Re:Things that went wrong with VR 'reboot' (Score 1) 214

Most games I have do not cause any discomfort for me, now. Initially it took a bit of time to acclimatize. The exception for me is Borderlands 2, where I think the characters height or movement has something a little bit off, after an hour of that I need a coffee break, it just builds up an uneasy feeling.

I just got Beat Saber, cos hell, I something to make me move, and I find that certain muscles at the base of my skull are tensing up and start to hurt after a while, not sure if this is something that will go away, but then again, it may just be the panic at realizing I am getting some form of exercise.

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