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Comment Re:its a tough subject (Score 1, Insightful) 673

We can disagree over the rights of herd immunity, but those who maintain that refusal to vaccinate hurts only the one who refuses, as the OP argued, are just plain ignorant of the facts.

Some of us still see a distinction between hurting someone by taking direct action against them, and hurting someone by not taking an action that would benefit them. It's an impasse and I doubt either side is going to persuade the other, no matter how many times it repeats on slashdot, and no matter how many people do or do not understand herd immunity.

Comment Re:its a tough subject (Score 1) 673

Long and short - employers should be able to discriminate against people who voluntarily refuse vaccinations.

That's a completely libertarian position as well. Taken to a logical conclusion, employers may discriminate against employees and even customers on the basis of vaccination, employees and customers may discriminate against businesses on the basis of vaccination policy. I think businesses choosing to have a vaccination policy may be a great innovation that the free market can bring to bear on this issue.

Comment Who is the real enemy? (Score 1) 562

You want me to go fight the Viet Cong? No Viet Cong ever called me nigger. You want me to kill Afghan and Iraqi Muslims? No Afghani or Iraqi ever spied on my private communications. My enemy is the American government, not "terrorists." You're my opposer when I want freedom. You're my opposer when I want justice. You won't even stand up for me in America for my privacy, and you want me to go somewhere and fight when you won't even stand up for my freedom at home.

Comment Re:Nothing has been lost! (Score 2, Insightful) 290

Bit Coins are actually more real then the US Dollar. Sure we get a paper or coin note stating that this represents so much. But at least bit coin is connected to something in limited supply thus needs to be shared.

I've never understood the logic behind statements like this. There are an infinite possible number of cryptocurrencies. A cryptocurrency is nothing but a mathematical algorithm being run on a lot of computers. By its very nature, it can't be in limited supply. Saying that Bitcoin is valuable because it's scare is like saying that digital music or digital video must be valuable because they're scarce. Any one, at any time, can create his own blockchain and create a Bitcoin clone. After that, all he need to do is persuade other people to adopt his blockchain, and a new standard has been created, with the originator becoming "wealthy". In fact, I suspect that this idea may suddenly occur to the operators of one of the big idled mining centers over the next few months. And before anyone says, "But Bitcoin was first!", let me reply, "Friendster and MySpace".

A Bitcoin is a unit of account in a specific ledger. The number of units of account in that ledger is finite. Additional ledgers can be created, and have been. But the value of units of account in those ledgers is not equal to the value of the unit of account in the Bitcoin ledger.

It's a little bit like comparing seats at a concert. Yes, we can put more seats in the back, but they are not valued the same as seats in other sections. We can create more seats, but we can't create more seats in the front row.

Comment Re:new goals (Score 1) 148

If you're hiding data from the NSA that sounds like you're some kind of criminal terrorist who hates the US

We need to change that perception. Being concerned about privacy from the NSA means that somebody is a good citizen who is concerned about freedom.

Comment Re:sigh (Score 1) 190

So exercise your rights as a consumer to research beforehand and not buy it. Or return it. Or modify it, as you have

That's what he did. He exercised his right to modify it, and he exercised his right to tell people what he did.

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