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Comment Re:The really sad thing is vaccines improving (Score 1) 462

I never said YOU could get the shot. I said I got the shot. For all I know it may be years before they roll it out to the general public. It was new, so that's quite possible.

"For all you know"... and you don't even know what it is or what company manufactures it, in fact you can't provide a single link to any source of information about it and who might have access to it. Well, I'm convinced.

Comment Re:Thanks, Jenny McCarthy (Score 3, Informative) 462

Actually, it's not eradicated, and it's actually making a comeback (thanks to the anti-vaxxers).

You're mistaken. No known human has contracted any form of naturally-occurring smallpox (i.e. not laboratory grown) since 1977 -- and we actually know the first and last name of the last person who ever did.

You're probably thinking of some other disease. There are lots of them; smallpox is the only one we've ever gotten rid of.

Comment Re:The really sad thing is vaccines improving (Score 1) 462

new formulation - maybe you civilians don't get it yet

I've never heard of a permanent tetanus shot. It's possible you may have misunderstood what you were being told.

TDAP is a shot that includes a tetanus booster plus a small amount of pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine -- that's the P in TDAP. You were probably vaccinated against pertussis as a child, but these days doctors recommend that people get a booster once during their adult lives. So yes, it's technically true that you only ever need one TDAP shot once you become an adult, for the P. But that doesn't mean you don't need to keep getting the tetanus boosters (the T) every ten years. That part still wears off, unless they've really come up with something brand new.

What's more, even if you've been vaccinated within the last ten years, if you step on a nail or something and the puncture wound is deep, your doctor will probably recommend you get a tetanus booster anyway, just to be on the safe side.

Comment Re: The interesting question (Score 3, Insightful) 172

Just for shits and giggles, what if DPR and Satoshi were indeed in cahoots at the beginning, with DPR having the balls and skills to build a huge black market and Satoshi providing him with the means to make it work?

Have you read the details of how DPR got caught? Satoshi may be some kind of genius, but if Ross Ulbricht really is DPR then he definitely does not have the skills to run any kind of criminal enterprise. As for balls, stupidity can convince a person to do all kinds of things.

Comment Re:Cockroach rights? (Score 2) 512

Dammit! Until I read this, I had been proud of the inch-long cockroach corpse that had been lying on the ground near my desk for months. Biggest damn roach I'd ever seen in San Francisco, and I squashed it running right across the carpet. Only it didn't take much damage, other than dying; there it lay, legs folded up in death, antenna and all. But just now I turned around and it's GONE! Some bastard has stolen my gigantic dead cockroach, and I want answers.

Comment Re:"Financial Sense" (Score 1) 668

When he comes for you with the brown shirts, I'll make sure to make sarcastic jokes as you're thrown in the pit.

On the plus side, when Obama conjures Satan from the pit and takes dominion over Earth with his Dark Fourth Reich from his skull-bedecked throne in Kenya, my demon-possessed body will be able to rise, come back, and admit I was wrong.

Comment Re:Not a problem in a lot of places . . . (Score 1) 196

I'll admit that it could be a factor of economic class, but I'm more inclined to think that it's simply a societal norm that is quickly shifting thanks to better point-of-sale systems that make it a snap for the wait staff to handle.

The POS might make it easier to itemize people's bills if people hadn't got drunk during the course of the meal and decided to debate and ask questions about everything on their bill only to decide, "Yeah, you're right, my mistake." How many times would you want to go through that a night if you were a waiter?

Also, the POS doesn't make it any easier for a waiter to have to ring up five separate credit cards for a single table. In addition, splitting the bill among five people means the tip (which is the all-important part of a waiter's wages in the US, because it accounts for the majority of his/her earnings) is divided among five people, all of whom are more likely to leave a cheap tip because the other people at the table won't know what they're leaving.

And even if we're the outliers, I still see no reason to be embarrassed, given that the wait staff are being paid to do what they do

No they're not. Not in America. It depends on state and even municipality, but in many (most?) places, waitstaff are exempt from minimum wage laws. I repeat: exempt from minimum wage laws. They are legally expected to get most of their wages from tips. And I maintain that the more you split up the check between more people, the more work you make for the server (so what you're saying is "they get paid, but I deserve a bargain"), while at the same time you have less incentive to compensate the server fairly (because nobody else knows what you're paying).

The wait staff has never batted an eye, grumbled, given us a glare, or indicated that they're displeased.

That may be because they wait until they get away from the table and do their grumbling to other servers, because if they grumbled in front of the customers and the customers complained they would quickly get fired. But call me crazy.

Comment Re:Not a problem in a lot of places . . . (Score 1) 196

They do it for you in America too, at least at every place I've eaten in the last 10 years where we've needed to split the check, as far as I can remember. Saying something like, "We're splitting that appetizer between the three of us, but this one only between those two, we're each covering our own entrées, and then I'm covering the dessert," is almost always met with either a "Could you repeat that again?" or a "No problem, I'll have the checks to you in a minute" response.

Wow. Not only would I feel utterly embarrassed to do that to a waiter, but where I live a lot of restaurants won't do it. It's not uncommon to see signs saying they won't split between more than two or three credit cards, either.

Maybe it's a factor of my age, too? As in, I'm not fresh out of school and most of the people I go out to eat with are going to be from more or less the same economic class as me, so we all just split the bill, or one person picks it up because they're feeling generous.

Your method just seems so petty and trifling to me, making way more work for the waitstaff than is necessary. If everybody wants to pay their own check, you should go somewhere where everyone can order individually, too. Like McDonald's.

Comment Re:Restitution? (Score 1) 294

Do you understand what "restitution" is? It is compensation for actual harm. If he intended to kill someone, but didn't actually harm anyone, then no restitution is needed.

He paid someone $80,000 for the torture and murder of a federal witness. The government tends to frown on that sort of thing. But I supposed to you that's a "victimless crime," because the person he paid was an undercover agent and nobody was actually tortured or murdered.

Comment Re:"Financial Sense" (Score 2) 668

Like most restaurants, one DRIVES to it.(If you'd ever been there - or bothered to look at the linked article's photo - you'd have seen that.) There's no on-site parking; parking is on the public SF streets. Yes, there's a stairway down to the beach, but the front door faces a city street.

I think you'll find I've been there more recently than you. But the fact that you drive to the Cliff House (personally, I take the bus) doesn't change the fact that every single last square foot of the restaurant is on public land, owned by the National Park Service. The restaurant operates solely under a license from the National Park Service. If you look at its website, it says quite plainly that even the prices of its food are subject to approval by the National Park Service.

It's been a while since I was there, so I don't recall if there are Federal Marshalls as lifeguards, but I suspect not.

If you don't know, why boast about your ignorance as if it helps to prove your point? The currents on the coastline near the Cliff House are very hazardous to all but the strongest swimmers, and there are strong "rip currents" in the shallow areas that can pull unaware people out into deeper waters. People drown near there every year. The Park Service does employ lifeguards, but they're not the Baywatch kind that sit in towers and watch the surf. They mostly do visitor education and respond to rescue calls. In addition, among the agencies that respond when rescues are needed in the area are the San Francisco Fire Department, the US Coast Guard, and the US Park Police. Some of these agencies are still funded, while others aren't. So you tell me -- with the government shutdown, is it better to have the parks closed, or have them open but more dangerous to visitors due to diminished patrol capacity?

There's no on-site parking; parking is on the public SF streets.

That's incorrect. Again, check the website. The restaurant offers valet parking after 5pm. There are also parking lots nearby -- which, though they may abut city streets, are also on National Park Service land. (The one up the hill from the Cliff House may be city-owned; I'm not sure.)

Barack Obama is a spiteful, insecure, NASTY little man.

Yes yes yes, and a Muslim, and a Kenyan, and he eats babies for dinner. I heard he was monitoring some woman via radio waves so he could broadcast her life on TV, too. Now you're showing your true colors.

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