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Submission + - Starships powered by antimatter could approach the speed of light ( 3

techfun89 writes: "With the increased focus on extrasolar planetary systems, there will be an increased focus on getting there to better look for sciences of life, even sentient life.

Recently, physicists Ronan Keane and Wei-Ming Zhang wrote a paper and studied on antimatter propulsion. Their latest results from computer simulators have shown that at least one key component in creating a working antimatter propulsion engine is that of highly efficient magnetic nozzles. Their studies have shown that these nozzles need to be efficient and that it is feasible to make them this way using our current technology.

Keane and Zhang also outlined how the particles would avoid a matter/antimatter annihilation as they exit the engine. Their technique relies on charged pions that result from proton-antiproton collisions. A nozzle that emits a strong magnetic field could channel the emitted charged particles into a focused stream of charged pions accelerating them to make an even stronger thrust.

Past calculations showed the nozzle's efficiency was only 36 percent, but Keane and Zhang redesigned the nozzles to be 85 percent efficient, making the a speed of around 70 percent the speed of light possible, given a pion exit speed of 80 percent of the speed of light. Such a speed gets us to Proxima Centauri 4.3 light years away in 6 years."

Comment Precrime (Score 1) 402

This is the latest of so many instances. Every time there is some news that has a strong echo, he creates some new oppressive law to please the far-rights voters..
This law reminds me of the precrime from Minority Report.. At least in the US FBI entraps the suspect before jailing him.
What's next in "Le pays des Droits de l'Homme" ? Jailing someone because a "Total Information Awareness"-like program consider him a terrorist-wanabee ? (he read the wrong book and regularly shops in ethnic grocery stores)

Comment Re:Oh c'mon, why the outcry? (Score 2) 129

Fortunately not every corporation corrupts the iso process, not every corporation joins a standardization body while parallely setting a patent ambush.. So yes corporations can act differently;

I guess the morality of the executive leadership can affect the morality of the corporation's acts.
Sometimes the main shareholders are real humain beings with a conscience, which may affect their choices for the corporation.
Even if we accept the idea that every corporations are without conscience, they may a least be concerned and be affected by their customers perception of their acts.

If we excuse someone just because others did/do the same or worse, everything is excusable.

Submission + - Simulating Societies at the Global Scale (

An anonymous reader writes: A team of European researchers are vying to create a distributed supercomputer of unprecedented scale to simulate the data that streams in from hundreds of devices and feeds (mobile, Twitter, market data, medical input, etc)

Submission + - Microsoft accomplice of Ben Ali (

jean-guy69 writes: According to an article published by french website Rue 89 and writtend by ReadWriteWeb France's Fabrice Epelboin (coral cache translated version ):

By including the tunisian governemental agency "National Digital Certification Agency" Root CA in 2007 (announcement by NDCA), and by not restricting it to .tn domain, Microsoft effectively allowed tunisian cyberpolice to perform SSL man-in-the-middle attacks against protesters.

The tunisian state succeeded in depriving many cyber-resistant of their Facebook account, essential to the organization of field activities, in gaining acess to their correspondence, with the ability to thwart the actions in progress.

When any government can be given the possibility to create certificates for any domain, isn't HTTPS
security fundamentally broken ?

At least, when such events as in Tunisia happen, should we expect Microsoft to remove the issued Root CA ?

Is this reasonable to leave such a power and such a responsibility to a single private company ? Or should this be at least supervised by some international body ?

Comment Re:Oh dear... (Score 1) 630

Of course Steve Jobs is all for open standards, he would NEVER use content to force us to install apple software when html5 so nicely fits the bill...

It's why is full html5, and you don't need to install quicktime to watch videos... Oh wait !

At least the Apple HTML5 showcase page access isn't limited to Safari anymore..

Submission + - Toyota Partners With Tesla to Make Electric Cars (

x_IamSpartacus_x writes: Business week has a story about Toyota putting $50 million into Tesla and Tesla buying a Toyota factory in California to make electric cars in the USA. Toyota had to close the factory because of its struggling business in the States but Tesla will be reopening the New United Motor Manufacturing Inc. plant in Fremont, California, known as NUMMI. “This seems like a good deal for both parties, especially Toyota, from being able to avoid the political fallout from shutting NUMMI down to being able to offer a new electric vehicle with just a low initial investment cost,” said Jeremy Anwyl, Chief Executive Officer at auto industry researcher in Santa Monica, California. The tie-up brings Toyota, the world’s biggest seller of hybrid autos, together with Tesla, the only company now selling U.S. highway-legal battery-powered cars. Electric-car technology has been supported by U.S. policy makers including President Barack Obama as a way to reduce the nation’s oil use and dependence on foreign energy sources.
United States

One Year Later, USPS Looks Into Gamefly Complaint 183

Last April, we discussed news that video game rental service GameFly had complained to the USPS that a large quantity of their game discs were broken in transit, accusing the postal service of giving preferential treatment to more traditional DVD rental companies like Netflix. Now, just over a year later, an anonymous reader sends word that the USPS has responded with a detailed inquiry into GameFly's situation (PDF). The inquiry's 46 questions (many of which are multi-part) cover just about everything you could imagine concerning GameFly's distribution methods. Most of them are simple, yet painstaking, in a way only government agencies can manage. Here are a few of them: "What threshold does GameFly consider to be an acceptable loss/theft rate? Please provide the research that determined this rate. ... What is the transportation cost incurred by GameFly to transport its mail from each GameFly distribution center to the postal facility used by that distribution center? ... Please describe the total cost that GameFly would incur if it expanded its distribution network to sixty or one hundred twenty locations. In your answer, please itemize costs separately. ... Does the age of a gaming DVD or the number of times played have more effect on the average life cycle of a gaming DVD?"

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