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Comment Re:Changes require systematic, reliable evidence.. (Score 1) 336

Note that doesn't mean always don't throttle stuff I have marked as Flash, because then everyone will just mark everything as a high priority. Just throttle the packets I marked lowest first

Six of one, half dozen of the other. If you get penalized for marking your packets lower priority than the same packets from your neighbor, who doesn't know/care what he's doing, and your experience degrades more than his during congestion, then what's your incentive to continue lowering your priority? That's why nobody implements it. It's a great idea in theory, but in practice, relying on people to both accurately and honestly assess the requirements of their traffic doesn't work.

Comment Re:losing your rights (Score 1) 274

Hard to say. It's clear that their mind reading capabilities are non-existent afterward, but that's only a decrease if they had any psychic abilities before taking naked pictures, which hasn't yet been persuasively argued, let alone conclusively demonstrated, in my opinion. I mean, certainly the fact that they became famous means they made decisions compatible with that outcome, but to accept that fame and/or success was the result of paranormal or supernatural phenomena rather than either rational decision-making or random chance requires evidence more compelling than a throwaway post on Slashdot.

Comment Re: Application sandboxing (Score 1) 577

Don't confuse widespread misinformation with consensus of knowledgeable people.

If they enabled SSH and didn't change the default password, then that's a possibility, but a JB doesn't install SSHd by default, nor does it increase the attack surface. The post I linked to explains all of that, though, so it's easier to just reference that than reiterate it all point-for-point here.

Comment No. (Score 1) 577

The answer is no. Really, your question could have ended with anything after "Will Windows N finally address," and the answer would have been the same. Windows 10 will not finally address anything.

Next question.

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