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Comment Re:Yup (Score 1) 20

He used to be interesting to talk to, and I had respect for his intelligence and articulation even if I didn't agree with him, but especially in the last year or two he has insisted on retreating ever further down the rabbit hole to the point I can't be bothered to read his JEs any longer.

Comment Re:1st, optional named parameters (Score 1) 158

Personally, I like the freedom that JavaScript gives, with all objects being fully dynamic associative arrays. This freedom is a VERY sharp knife, and developers who aren't up to snuff will write ridiculous garbage because of it. And some will cry "classes, classes, my kingdom for classes!" because they think that's the magic thing that will turn their garbage code into good code. ...

I don't mind the arrival of strong typing in JavaScript. I just hope we don't lose the freedom that JavaScript also gives.

I have been using JavaScript for 25 years, and it still amazes me how many people simply don't get that or prototype-based inheritance.

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