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Comment Re:Technicians and engineers, really? (Score 4, Insightful) 213

" but why should Foxconn worry that they will be unemployed?" ...because it shows Foxconn for what it is, a completely apathetic company who only views it's workforce as meat robots, and because those meat robots have real human traits like the need dignity and hope for a semi-decent life, we're going to throw them on the scrap heap. I mean lets face it, when you're working conditions are so bad that a percentage of your workers view death as a plausible means of escape and you're putting up nets to stop them from killing themselves, then maybe it's time to reflect on how your business is treating it's workers. Personally speaking I'd like to see Foxconn execs live for one year; hell, one month under the conditions they force everyone else to endure... but strip away their fortunes first so they can't escape to that magical place of "I'll have my old life of ease to go back to once this hell is done."

Comment What a backwards world we live in. (Score 1) 802

We live in a world where advertising is considered protected free speech to get around laws preventing overt advertising in areas and corporations are "people", government wrongdoings are protected under the umbrella of "national security", but an ordinary citizens have to divulge information that could basically be considered a means of self incrimination.

Comment Re:Vulnerable From Within ! (Score 1) 124

At the opportune moment the President of the United States of America will issue an order to destroy the power grids across the contiguous USA and the killing of the executive staffs of the companies in charge. This operation will take approximates 15 minutes to accomplish give pre-positioning of assets.

I would have thought you were Glenn Beck for a moment except you didn't frame your paranoia as a question...

Comment Same history different time (Score 1) 150

This is only the natural progression of things, a group of people (company) seeks freedom from what they view as restrictive intervention in their lives and dreams of striking out to find a new land of freedom where they can create their 'utopian' society. The only difference now is that it's the merchant class seeking to break away from the state, instead of a new state seeking to break away from a monarchy and so on and so forth. Ultimately any independent group of people will start to run into the same problems over and over and over again because circumstances are always changing leaving group A feeling cheated by group B or vice versa, until another splinter groups seeks to break away from the old establishment to begin the cycle anew.

Comment Re:Medical Privacy (Score 1) 486

I've had a paralyzed vocal cord since birth. No one has EVER considered it a real disability apart from things like "you have a cold?" "did you yell too much at the concert last night?" etc. It's more of an interesting curiosity to most people. A man who sells database software telling us we need not be so concerned about our privacy is just trying to make himself more wealthy... the medical sob story is a steaming pile...

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