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Submission + - UK Police Listened In On 9% More Calls Last Year (

itwbennett writes: While UK lawmakers are still debating a new Investigatory Powers Bill, a report compiled by the Interception of Communications Commissioner's Office (IOCCO) finds that warrants for the interception of communications rose 9 percent last year and that authorities continued to hoover up communications metadata. One-ninth of the metadata collection was approved without any paperwork, an option that is only available 'where there is an immediate threat to life or an urgent operational requirement and there is no time to complete the normal written process,' according to the report. 'That could be a sign that the other eight-ninths of the collections aren't exactly helping them figure out what's going on,' writes Peter Sayer. 'The report minimizes the impact of the surveillance, using innocuous terms like 'item of communications data' to refer to a whole month of incoming and outgoing call records for a mobile phone.'

Comment Re:Good! (Score 2) 614

I imagine there was a time when the word gifted was used to describe only children who were above average,

the term gifted is now applied to any student with more brain wave activity than a glazed doughnut.

Those two data points appear to be converging at an ever increasing rate.

Comment Re:Sorry but (Score 2) 72

The difference here is that 1970s cable TV offered vastly different programming that was previously unavailable. That was its main attraction - fans of niche TV genres could find channels that catered to specific subjects.

This appears to be moving in the opposite direction. The idea that users are paralyzed by option overload and want to pay someone to limit those options (the 'far smaller slate')? Doesn't sound like a money maker to me.

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