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Comment "We" can Vote with our feet. (Score 1) 2219

The post says "we're a community", but otherwise uses the words "we", "you", and "the audience" in a way that indicates the author doesn't really believe it. When he says Classic Slashdot will be available until "we're" confident ..., I'm reasonably certain that I'm not a part of that "we". Rather I'm just a pair of eyeballs that's for sell to the advertisers. I never saw a poll where we,the community gets to vote on whether or not Classic Slashdot should go away. But "WE" are going to vote one way or another. Maybe we'll vote with our feet, the same way we'd vote a lousy restaurant out of business.

Comment Fork Slashdot (Score 5, Insightful) 2219

Yeah, I've been on Slashdot for awhile too. But I won't be back anymore when the classic site becomes unavailable. Since the community is the actual product here, let's just fork it and we'll all go somewhere else. Maybe we can't call it Slashdot, but who cares? Let's just start a new site for all the old Slashdot members with the classic look.

Comment Re:This is bullshit (Score 1) 683

Yes I think they understood what they had agreed to when they moved in. But the circumstances under which they agreed to it should never have been allowed to occur. And they should evoke empathy among those who are still capable of such. Your comment reminds me of another I heard a short time ago.
"Are there no prisons?"
"Plenty of prisons..."
"And the Union workhouses." demanded Scrooge. "Are they still in operation?"
"Both very busy, sir..."
"Those who are badly off must go there."
"Many can't go there; and many would rather die."
"If they would rather die," said Scrooge, "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."

Comment Re:This is bullshit (Score 1) 683

It would be great if the residents actually owned the property. They are often renters. The landlord will be glad to sell his old dilapidated property at its new value, then boot the tenants out. Sometimes they boot the tenants out in advance.The tenants often have nowhere to go and nothing to gain from the transaction. I know an elderly woman who is fighting eviction and relocation because she's simply too old, tired and too sick with cancer to move. She will probably lose and the forced relocation will be the death of her.

Comment Re:Now is your chance to try Linux... (Score 1) 513

I had a similar experience with my sister (not very computer savvy). She had a laptop that she was very frustrated with. I turned it into a dual boot system with Xubuntu on the Linux side and whatever version of Windows she had on the other. I encouraged her to use the Linux side, which she has been, and since then she has much less trouble.

Comment Re:What about the future of Slashdot? (Score 2) 122

Indeed. CmdrTaco must be rolling in his grave. ...What? He's still alive. They tell me. Well, of course he is. How could he be rolling in his grave if he was dead? The disturbing part is that he's in a grave. Someone really should get him out of there. What? He apparently refuses to come out until Slashdot ditches the beta.

Comment But What Do You Mean by "Market" Share (Score 1) 470

The term "market" implies that the calculations pertain only to competing products for sale and counted by sales receipts. The pie graph on the article indicates over 90% for some sort of MS Windows. 7.5% Mac and 1.7% Linux. I suppose that they're counting my laptop, which came pre-installed with some version of Windows as a Windows machine. Well I did install Windows 7 in a VM, but that's seldom used. Mostly I'm just using the host OS which is FreeBSD. How do they count that since it isn't really in the "market"?

Comment Re:Why compositing? (Score 1) 62

I thought that true transparency was just eye-candy, until I started using it on my laptop. I can type into a terminal while still reading the application below it. That's very useful on a small screen. Even with the tiling wm that I use, XMonad, I still float my terminal windows, and have them about half transparent.

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