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Comment Re:All I can say is... (Score 1) 425

Actually someone has put together the entire history of his edits to Star Wars and makes the case that it was exactly as you said. Most of it came about through chance and by bending existing story lines to link it all together.

There never was "9" movies in the series or anything that George Lucas has suggested in the past.

The history used to be available as a free PDF, but in any case it looks like the author has made it into a read book now.

Comment Re:In other words... (Score 1) 662

A lot of this is probably that in OSX there is pretty much one official way to do things and one official development environment and language. In Windows there are dozens of ways, many of which hide from the developer that there are even such features available. Nothing in Windows forces you to support all the possible window messages, and probably most Windows "developers" don't even know what WM_CLOSE or WM_PAINT signify.

Perhaps Apple can force compliance as a requirement to get into the Mac Apps Store.

Comment Re:In other words... (Score 2, Informative) 662

Who said anything about easy access?!

NTFS has supported journelling for years and has Previous Versions feature (available from file Properties). Application resuming/restarting has been around since Vista and the OS has several hooks for registering for these events and messages. The fact that no-one implements it isn't relevant.


It will be the same in Lion. Unless the apps are rewritten to support these features they won't work. It doesn't just happen magically.

Comment Re:Please Read a Book... (Score 1) 184

That is entirely true, but the question was what to say in such situations (running over a child) that don't invoke any deities. You can just say like the cops in "Law and Order", "I'm sorry for your loss".

For the rational atheists among us in such situations, you may as well say, "shit happens".

Comment Re:Require Truck Licenses (Score 1) 509

SUVs in Europe are in general much smaller than an SUV in the US and are usually not a "truck". SUVs in the US were made on the same chassis as a light truck and with similar weight, so got the truck tax breaks and emission categories.

But in Europe a SUV is most like to be a Honda CRV, Toyota RAV4, or Kia Sportage. Those are most definitely not trucks. The only exception is a large Mercedes 4WD or maybe a Range Rover, but there is very little on the scale of a Ford Explorer.

Comment Re:Maybe they did it wrong... (Score 1) 395

I'm not going to dig up all the references, but this was one study I had heard of.


The main conclusion is that TDD will reduce your fault count significantly, but INCREASES the time taken to deliver a feature. I have heard the same thing for other agile methods.

And from my own experience there are definitely times where 20% of the time was taken to implement a user story and 80% of the time taken writing test cases.

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