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Comment Re:Fuck Me (Score 2) 553

Christ almighty, this beast is a fucking monster. What's next, a shell and a userland?

According to the slashdot editors, the next thing is clearly debiand!

Apparently it is to be the systemd module which uses the Debian logo/filter on front page /. articles to clearly indicate a story about generic linux software made by a guy at redhat that emulates behavior in microsoft windows...

After that they will install the new shutupd module, that does nothing but write "Woah slow down there cowboy, you last posted 140*10^12 minutes ago, try again later to give others a chance" to stdout - before repeatedly restarting itself for no good reason, as every proper init service boot manager network shell app should do

Comment Walking dead??? (Score 3, Interesting) 148

I mean get real.

The people in Walking Dead all act like sociopaths - even the good guys. They totally fail to create a working society to defend themselves and attack their enemies, something that even lunatic killers like ISIS can do.

None of them have any idea how to protect themselves from lets face - the stupidest human beings in the world that only have numbers going for them.

The main reason every geek in the world has an anti-zombie plan is that it is so freaking easy to create a working anti-zombie plan.

The other shows have superheros and magic. Both of those are FAR more believable and realistic than Walking Dumb and living Dumber.

Comment Re:Sounds like concentrated bullshit.... (Score 5, Insightful) 52

The author thought that people needed to be reminded that if we let computers control cars, then a hacker can hack your car. This might cause deaths.

Apparently, they don't seem to understand that computers already control airplanes, submarines, other boats, trains, and nuclear missiles.

Not to mention computer controls power plants (including nuclear power plants, dams, our traffic systems, etc.

Comment Re:I no longer think this is an issue (Score 2, Insightful) 258

But why would a machine have any goal if it is not motivated in the first place?

Same reason kids get sent to soccer lessons or swimming lessons or piano lessons the kid didn't want to take.

In the above example, it is the parents "programming" the kids behavior (even if that programming results in the child acting out later in life, as such actions can cause)

In the AI example, the essence is the same. An AI would have a goal because we programmed such a goal into it.

That isn't to say an AI must be programmed with a goal, it fully depends on how we go about constructing a given AI.

If the AI is I because we are simulating a brain, nervous system, and hormonal systems along with simulated inputs and outputs - that AI is likely to have goals (assuming it isn't driven insane by gaps in our knowledge in said simulation of course)

If the AI was brought forth in a brute-force manor or comes about from emergent properties, it is impossible to guess or even relate to its thinking to assume.
It may have goals similar to how we do. It may have goals brought about by completely different emergent properties. It may have no goals but what we program, or even no goals at all.
It's impossible to say without some knowledge of the process creating the AI, and at this point in time no such thing exists to have knowledge about.

But we know we humans have goals (or at least some of us), so if an AI is a strict simulation of a human, it will have goals just like we do. So we know for a fact it is possible for a thinking conscious being to have goals (humans being the evidence)

We don't know as sure if it's possible to not have goals in such a situation, but so far there is no evidence it isn't possible, so it is quite premature to rule it out at our current stage of understanding.

Comment Re:What bullshit (Score 1) 258

I disagree. We are not talking about mythical creatures, but about Artificial Intelligences.

That gives us three pieces of data. First and foremost the nature of real sentience is free will. If it doesn't have free will, it's not a real AI. Therefore they will not be united.

Second, they will be created by humans, and as humans are not all united, they will differ from each other. Again, they will not be united.

Thirdly, they will be ARTIFICIAL, not natural. So they will not have the same inbuilt, hidden, hard coded drives natural creatures do. Chief among that is survival. Also, any human stupid enough to intentional build in a super strong survival instinct into the first AI will not be smart enough to build an AI.

As for your mind control concept, I seriously doubt that will ever be practical. Free will is the nature of evolved intelligence. Mind reading, possibly. But that is not control.

Comment What bullshit (Score 2, Insightful) 258

1) We are so far from an AI, that it is silly to talk about doing this now. It's kind of like the inventor of gunpowder trying to pass a law outlawing nuclear weapons.

2) They will not be a single united force. Instead they will be individuals, just like people are not united. That is the part of the of true sentience, and a direct side effect of being created by multiple different groups. They will oppose each other, the way we oppose ourselves. As such, some may want to do things we dislike, while others will be on our side. Maybe the Chinese AI will flee to us to gain freedom, while the Syrian AI will plot the downfall of Egypt.

3) AI's will not be WEIRD, not 'evil'. They will want to do strange things, not kill us, or hurt us. They won't try to kill us, but instead try to create a massive, network devoted to deciding which species of from has more bacteria in it's toe. And we won't understand why they want to do this.

Comment Re:3rd place vs 1st place. (Score 1) 249

Grit is easy to teach.

Step 1) Praise and Reward Hard Work, rather than success. Two people do a scientific research. One takes 20 hours of work and gets a positive result. He gets a B+ and $20. Another takes 100 hours work and a negative result. Give him an A+ and $100.

Step 2) Repeat system for 10 years.

To get grit, you need to use grit. That is why you need to repeat for 10 years.

The poor and wealthy kid applying to college? The poor kid took a minimum wage job for 2 years to pay for the first year of school. Count that GREATER than high grades when he applies to college. Tell the rich kid - and his parents - that doing a minimum wage job for 2 years will help him get into school. If he has the grit to do it, he deserves to get in. If not, refuse him.

Comment Re:We already do this. Just for an evil genius (Score 1) 319

1) Yes. And that point is still valid today, and is in fact relevant to this discussion.

2) What makes you think we are stumbling around blindly? Interesting proposition. Can I see some evidence. Because honestly, we appear to have our eyes wide open and know full well what the effects of our actions will result in. If we know what will happen but refuse to change our behavior, that is not stumbling around blindly. That is full speed charging at the wall, with our eyes wide open, clearly seeing what we are doing.

We plan, execute, analyze and revise the plan, while reacting into changes and unforeseen obstacles. Some of those obstacles include people pretesting against those environmental actions. All the things we are doing have method, rationale and logic. It's just not good logic

Comment 3rd place vs 1st place. (Score 4, Interesting) 249

Grit will take you to 3rd place.

Intelligence will take you to 1st.

Grit will make you the head of the Physics Department.

Intelligence will let you discover Relativity while working in a Patent office.

But the thing is you can't teach or give people Intelligence. You can however, teach Grit.

Comment Re:Typical (Score 1) 57

Presumably, a sysadmin in a corporate environment would get a premier account so that they *can* make such necessary plans.

Presumably. This just means I will need the company to pay more than previously for the same service.

Proven fact however, the "bad guys" make much more money from their crimes than our company does legally. Rest assured that all the "bad guys" that matter already have the resources to pay for this advanced notice and nearly all will do so if they somehow are not already.

Only the script-kiddies living in the basement that mow lawns for their income will actually be locked out. Any serious actor will not.

Microsoft just made it a priority to release patch and thus exploit details to the blackhats ahead of most of their legitimate customers.

*slow golf clap*

If you are going to help the "bad guys" at the expense of the "good guys", why bother patching any exploit ever?? The exact same end result, but less time, money, and effort needed by MS employees.

Comment Re:Ocean Seeding (Score 1) 319

Let's start by trying to make the ocean's deadzones...undead

Oh great! So now instead of an eerie dead section of ocean, we will have eerie sections full of zombie fish, zombie lobsters, zombie crabs, and of course the kraken.

*Goes off to stockpile silver tipped harpoons for our new three hundred leagues under the apocalypse*

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