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Comment anyone who knows anything about water in the west (Score 2) 135

knows it's a complete clusterfuck.

Before there was a drought the Klamath river was being overdrawn. Now that there's permanent drought it's really, really overdrawn.

Meanwhile everyone who wants some perspective about dams in the Northwest should read "Salmon without Rivers".

Dams do non trivial amounts of far reaching environmental damage. It's just all baked into our current landscape so everyone thinks 100,000 salmon coming up the Columbia is normal.

it's pretty fucking far from normal.

Comment Re:Wonder when RISC-V will join the chat... (Score 1) 40

I was wondering the same thing.

There are more than enough of these supercomputers to drive demand for a common processor that's geared especially for supercomputer applications.

It seems like it would be worth the effort.

Doesn't necessarily even need to be a RISC-V , a more specialized design focused on massively parallel operation seem like it could be a win.

or not, maybe there's just not that much performance to be gained.

still it would be worthwhile to create a RISC-V with a few features that would make supporting such operation easier.

Comment Re:The lake isnt that big (Score 1) 99

extending for approximately 37 kilometres (23 miles) and flowing from southwest to northeast.

Seems big enough to hide one dinosaur.

Also, if you are in Scotland I highly recommend visiting it, the Loch and the surrounding area are quite beautiful.

Comment Re:VPS Awana (Score 2) 102

He might be wrong but all these labs doing science by press release are behaving wrong.

You're right, those labs are behaving wrong. Here's a lab doing science by doing science.

Also, in reference to some other posters, don't compare inorganic chemistry to organic chemistry as to level of difficulty.

Being able to reproduce results in a living creature can obviously depend on some crazy level of detail and subtleties. It's not quite the same amount of trouble if you are trying to generate a crystalline material with 3 elements and can look at the color of it use synchrotrons to tell you _exactly_ what the crystalline structure is and then run DFT on it to see if it's even remotely possible if it could even be a superconductor.

That's not to minimize the difficulty involved in such endeavors but, really, trying to reproduce (Lu H2±x Ny) is not going to be the same level of difficulty as trying to reproduce the results of a a type I diabetes cure.

Comment Re: Republican tears (Score 0) 194

Where's mortgage relief?
I think we didn't do that either, and lots of people lost homes and we bailed out banks instead of the people.

Where's credit card debit relief?
yes, buying too many toaster ovens and electronic widgets is the same for paying for education

Where's auto loan debt relief?
yes, buying a car is the same thing as paying for education.

The argument is just as strong, and the impact is just as great, to justify any of the above, yet the debt of students (who ironically took on the debt to try and increase their earning potential! How'd that work out for them?) is the only one we're discussing...

The argument is most definitely NOT just as strong to justify any of the above.

for years there has been an extremely consistent messaging that higher education was worth a lot to your earning potential.
then we reduced funding of state run schools making them much more expensive.
then "they" kept saying you are hurting your earning potential if you don't get a degree.
so people took out loans to do that.

That's why it's the only one we're discussing.

Again, NOT the same as buying too many toasters and electronic widgets or cars I think it's important to make that clear.

As usual the personal responsibility, faux libertarian, i've got mine fuck you brigade is out in full force.

I can't wait to see all the finger wagging at people who took out loans for their oncology bills when we get around to forgiving medical debt (I can dream).

Comment testing was always available (Score 5, Interesting) 52

How long have we known how to test chemicals to figure out how persistent they were in the environment ?
20 years ? 30 years ?

This is the result of sociopathic fucks in charge of these companies who knew good and well this would be a problem and made these chemicals anyway.

Here's the important part, it's not simply that they made them, it's that they pushed the use of them _everywhere_.

3M made way, way more than 10B off these chemicals or they would never have agreed to this. It's a PR move, nothing more. They've got more nasty shit in the pipeline that there going to sell, and we'll be wondering how this happened again a few years.

Just like oxycodone was not a bad thing, but selling it like candy was a very bad thing. And what did those Sackler fucks get ? Billions of dollars and a slap on the wrist.

But I forgot, the over regulation of American business is why people are poor and we don't freedom or something.

Comment Re:*Looks outside at all the fireworks smoke* (Score 1) 126

Notice that making some small amount of effort to any of those things works too.

1 eat _less_ meat
2 stop flying as much.
3 drive to work less
4 have fewer kids
5 live in a smaller place

The numbers got us into this mess and they can get lessen the impact.

The majority of people in the world cannot take your list and look at it objectively.

It becomes an emotional and personal thing.

That's part of the problem, and apparently a large part of the problem.

I look forward to someone in the psychological sciences explain "what the fuck is wrong with people ?!".


Comment Re:oh really? (Score 5, Insightful) 126

We really have to understand why that happens.

The carbon cartel could not be doing the damage they are in terms of delaying our response without millions of useful idiots.

Why people make rejection of information which has very strong factual basis a part of their identity is a significantly important thing to understand.

There are people being elected who are objectively fucking morons, and they are getting elected.

This in turn delays actions on all manner of important issues. Things that are far, far more important than drag shows.

And yet here we are.

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