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Comment Re:Obviously not for kids. (Score 1) 73

I call BS on that number.

Not once have I ever been asked who I'm purchasing a game for (my 7 year old daughter, birthday presents for cousins, friends kids, etc).

Not once have I ever been carded when buying a game or asked for my age.

Not once have I ever seen or taken a survey asking me questions along these lines.

So where are they getting their numbers from?

How many kids do you know that don't play video games?

How many pre-teens, tweens and teens do you see taking survey's?

If the survey was done online, was it a site that pre-teens, tweens and teens surf often?

If the average gamer is 30 then why has Nintendo cornered the market with "kiddie" games?

You could point out how well M rated games sell, and I could point out a lot of parents who purchase those games for their teenagers.

Why does everybody on here always complain about all the young teens on x-box live and other online services?

If the average gamer was 30 wouldn't most the people on those services be 30 and not 14?

I could go on forever.

I bet there are as many kids from age 3 to 17 that play games as there are 18 to 32 year olds.

Comment Re:I can't bring myself to have much pity for them (Score 1) 574

My cousin and her fiance were both fired from Circuit City when all of this went down.

The decision was handed down from the top. Store management had little or no say in any of this.

Most people that work in a store like that don't have what it takes to work their way up to VP status and not every smart person in the store can be a store manager.

Besides nobody said they had management smarts. I said good SALES people, knowledgeable (since when do managers fall into that category?) people and experienced people.

Comment Re:I can't bring myself to have much pity for them (Score 4, Insightful) 574

No, he's upset that they fired all of their best and most experienced employee's.

It wasn't just top sellers. It effected everybody.

And why the hell would you fire your top sellers anyway? How retarded is that?!?!?!

When you fire your top sellers and your most knowledgeable employee's what does that leave you with?

It wasn't exactly a brilliant move. I'm sure it saved them money in the short run but 2 years later they're bankrupt and closing most of their stores.

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