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Comment Re:It's almost as if... (Score 4, Insightful) 265

Hey, I'm not American, but I happily pay more then 50% marginal tax because it means I get to live in a society where I'll never be robbed because someone can't pay their medical bills. No mater what sort of bad luck my kid has, she will NEVER go bankrupt because she gets sick and needs medical care. These things impact the overall tone of the society you live in, and drives second-order effects that are not immediately obvious. I vote accordingly, not necessarily in my narrow "does it help my bank balance" interests but in the broader "does it make my life better" interests.

"No, young feller. I like to pay taxes. With them I buy civilization." - Justice Holmes


Comment Re:Good law (Score 2) 227

The problem with industry concensus is it only takes one (pardon) bad Apple to spoil the bunch. MOST wireless device manufactures have standardized on USB-C as they did micro-USB in the generation before. One standout company hasn't and has forced this leglislative decision. Strangely my MBP and IPad Pro both have USB-C, so it appears Apple is fine using USB-C for their higher end devices. Penny pinching on the IPhone maybe? I stuck with an android device this latest upgrade so that I could have USB-C across all my devices.


Comment Cheers (Score 1) 28

Taking a moment out of my chaotic Xmas eve to raise one to the man without whom my life would have taken a very different path. BBSing got me through my childhood and paved the way for my future career. It is sad that people like this pass without knowing all the lives they touched.

So, I wish thee low long distance bills, no call waiting drops and fast connect rates wherever you are now!

Past sysop of Panther's Lair, 1:153/190

Comment Re:EXCELLENT (Score 1) 226

Sorry, âoeI have a religious beliefâ is not a blanket get out of jail free card (literally in this case). We as a tolerant society tolerate a number of religious beliefs. If you start killing women for not remaining covered though youâ(TM)ll see there are limits to tolerance. The people asking for forbearance of their religious beliefs arenâ(TM)t the ones who get to decide where that tolerance ends, the society doing the tolerating does.

This holds true for many things, including vaccination.

Additionally it is a key thing to remember that generally speaking these people are making decisions on behalf of their children. Society does generally put restrictions on what is acceptable to decide on behalf of your children. Self mutilation is generally acceptable, mutilation of your children, not so much. Law journals are replete with cases of courts ordering medical treatment of minors when the parentsâ(TM) religious beliefs argue against it.

Comment Seems reasonable... (Score 3, Informative) 53

Normally I'm the last person to defend facebook, but I do have to argue that an online service has the right to defend itself against attackers by refusing service. The first line of defense of any online service is authentication and if you have proven yourself to be untrustworthy, revoking your authentication privileges seems like a reasonable and proportionate response.

Comment Re:as long as they learn about (Score 4, Insightful) 333

This. Both my daughter and I have issues with decomposition. We both taught ourselves to read before kindergarten through sight reading and both ran into issues with the school trying to re-teach us using phonics. Fortunately my daughter had the advantage of having a dad who had been there, done that.

The reason we have different techniques is because we have different ways of learning.

Comment Re:this seems like normal business. (Score 2) 13

No constitutional amendment, however antitrust law applies in situations where a company is utilizing their monopoly in one area to suppress competition in another area. See Microsoft and browsers for the canonical example. This is also why you don't see google dropping any page that mentions DuckDuckGo from its index.

In your personal case of Miller, I don't think the FTC considers them a monopoly, since you had a viable competitor, and the forums you were suppressing them from didn't constitute a monopolistic position. If Facebook had bought Miller and then banned Bud from Facebook, however, it might be a different situation.

Comment Apple's being good? (Score 2, Interesting) 36

Apple left a method in place to allow users to obtain root on the devices they own safely without hackers taking over their devices, right? Because its all about keeping evil malware off the devices, and not keeping people who actually own the devices from exercising that ownership right, correct?

Thought not.

Comment Re:Better question (Score 1) 146

While some of what you say is true, there are a minority of developers who are eager to show they know security better then me, and will spend weeks arguing about that they don't need to add the s after http because "we have a firewall!", or arguing that they don't need to patch a library because the execution path isn't one they use (sure, but forever, and what happens when one of the banks who run our software run a scanner tool against it, HONESTLY it's easier just to patch it then to lose deals because a customer sees a CVE of 10.0 and runs for the hills.).

And yes, I know there are some checkbox compliance folks out there, but sometimes that is important, when you're selling to industries with checkbox compliance folks.


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