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Comment Higher Education Is The Next Bubble (Score 1) 418

Most 4-year degrees are not worth the price of admission. In our necessarily employment-focused world, most liberal arts degrees are totally worthless. Instead, completing a certain college with a certain GPA acts as an indicator of your potential worth to an employer. It's a $100,000 standardized test. The stuff you learned may help you on Jeopardy, but not in your job.

Even with focused disciplines like Computer Science, about half of the courses are useless for employment sake. Learning programming, design, teamwork, project planning, management, etc. are useful. Chemistry and calculus are not.

At some point people will realize this and stop paying $100k for college.

Comment Many Cable Channels Evolve Beyond Their Name (Score 1) 742

MTV - Originally showed music videos, now Real World type shows
VH1 - Originally music vids, now "I Love the ..." and "The 100 Greatest..."
A & E - Originally showed British shows (Masterpiece Theatre, etc.), now reality and edgy syndicated series.
History - Originally documentary, now reality mixed with edgy docu-drama.
Discovery - similar to History
Bravo - Originally arts/drama, now reality
HBO - Originally movies, now split between movies and series
AMC - same as HBO ...probably some more.

Comment Tax Evasion == GOODTHING (Score 0) 783

I would argue that tax evasion is a good thing, since taxes pay for invasions, wars, spying on citizens, corporate welfare, and ironically on attacking courageous leakers and whistleblowers. So instead of paying taxes, which can end up killing people, the mega-rich are building yachts, buying private jets, gold-plating things, etc., all of which creates jobs. Or they invest which creates/improves businesses and --yep, you guessed it-- creates jobs.

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