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Submission + - Dem Moves to Stifle Free Speech

sycodon writes: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) made an surprise appearance at the convention (National Conference for Media Reform)to announce that he would be heading up a new House subcommittee which will focus on issues surrounding the Federal Communications Commission......Also in consideration is the "Fairness Doctrine,". Kucinich said in his speech that "We know the media has become the servant of a very narrow corporate agenda" and added "we are now in a position to move a progressive agenda to where it is visible."

It is common knowledge that the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine was responsible for the explosive success of Talk Radio and enabled (for better or worse) hundreds of new media outlets to flourish.

Read the full scoop here http://www.fmqb.com/Article.asp?id=333927

"Series of Tubes" Metaphor Implemented 266

meisteg writes to tell us about Tubes: a beta application that uses a tube metaphor to enable users to share files over the Internet. The Windows-only app is free and the company hopes to make money on an enhanced version targeted at businesses. See this video for some details of how Tubes works. From the article: "[Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens] endured ridicule last year for his assertion that the Internet is 'a series of tubes.' But one Web startup hopes to bring that metaphor to life with a new service that makes it easy for people to share videos, songs, pictures and other big files."

Submission + - Amateur astronomers pursue next great discovery

Davemania writes: CNN has an interesting article on how internet has changed amateur astronomy by providing them an ever increasing amount of astronomy data. Following in the footstep of SETI@Home, astronomers and researcher are increasingly enlisting the help of internet users to help them analyze images and data in pursuit of the next major breakthrough. A example of this identified in this article is the Systemic Project that allows enthusiast to look for extrasolar planets.
PC Games (Games)

Submission + - Blizzard hints at new StarCraft by 2008

jtorry writes: "Blizzard fans were out in force in London tonight, celebrating the launch of the much anticipated World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade expansion, but another Blizzard game might have stolen the limelight. Itzik Ben Bassat, Vice President Business Development and International for Blizzard Entertainment, took the stage at HMV, Oxford Street, London, and said some rather revealing words.

"I'm a StarCraft player myself and I hope it's not a decade, and we launched StarCraft in 1998, before I'm standing here again, celebrating the next game in the series," stated Bassat while on stage.

So, while not an official date for the next game in the StarCraft series, a new game by 2008 looks very likely. We'll keep our ear to the ground for more info.

Data Storage

Toshiba Touts 51GB HD DVD 236

srizah writes to mention that Toshiba plans to launch a 51 GB HD DVD, with a 1 GB advantage over Sony's Blu-ray disc. From the article: Toshiba has submitted a triple-layer, 51GB HD DVD-ROM disc to the standard's overseer in the hope the technology will be adopted as a standard by the end of the year. If approved, it allow the format to exceed the 50GB storage capacity of rival medium Blu-ray Disc. The HD DVD standard currently defines single- and dual-layer discs capable of holding 15GB and 30GB of data, respectively."
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - FBI Can Legally Check your Credit Report

Anonymous Coward writes: "Looks like the FBI can now legally pull your credit report to keep tabs on you, from the article: "The Defense Department of the United States has been checking the credit of Americans and foreigners alike due to suspected terrorism and espionage. However, when bank records and credit activity is checked, judge's approvals are bypassed, and subpoenas are not presented. Three or four decades ago (1960's to 1970's) this authority was brought to surface and the Pentagon, CIA and FBI had full use of this procedure. Since then, it has not been used. The Patriot Act re-affirmed that this measure could once again be taken up and used at will. Dick Cheney says, "It's perfectly legitimate activity. There's nothing wrong or illegal with it. It doesn't violate people's civil rights." Cheney also states, "The Defense Department gets involved because we've got hundreds of bases inside the United States that are potential terrorist targets."

Yikes! Thanks alot Patriot Act."

Mandatory DRM for Podcasts Proposed 432

Knytefall writes "Joe Biden, Dianne Feinstein, and two GOP senators are sponsoring a bill called the PERFORM Act that would require podcasts with music and satellite radio to be locked-up with music industry-approved DRM software. From the article: 'All audio services — Webcasters included — would be obligated to implement "reasonably available and economically reasonable" copy-protection technology aimed at preventing "music theft" and restricting automatic recording.'"

Submission + - Nintendo DS was UK's Best Selling Console '06

Anonymous Coward writes: "According to this IGN article, the Nintendo DS outsold every other console in the UK, handheld and otherwise, with unprecedented Christmas sales. From the article: 'More than half a million people bought a DS in Blighty last month, taking the total number sold across Europe to a staggering 1.7 million units — the highest ever monthly sales for the handheld since its launch in 2005.'"

Woman Killed In Wii-Related Competition 784

snuffin writes to tell us that a local radio competition to "hold your wee for a Wii" has ended with a Sacramento woman dead from water poisoning. From the article: "An Associated Press interview with another contestant, named James Ybarra, claimed that contestants were initially given eight ounce bottles of water to drink every fifteen minutes, with larger bottles being used once contestants began to drop out. According to Ybarra, 'They told us if you don't feel like you can do this, don't put your health at risk.' He described the victim as 'a nice lady' and that 'she was telling me about her family and her three kids and how she was doing it for her kids.'"

Submission + - The best of two nanoworlds

Roland Piquepaille writes: "As you probably know by now, carbon nanotubes show amazing mechanical strength, while metal nanowires show very interesting optical and electrical properties. Combining both has proved to be a challenge. But if it was possible, this would open the way to the use of carbon nanotubes in computer chips, displays and sensors. Now, scientists from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) say they have developed hybrid structures which combine the strengths of carbon nanotubes and nanowires. They add that their method is another step towards the realization of nanotube-based electronics. Even if this research work has been published by Applied Physics Letters, I'm still somewhat skeptical. Read more for additional details and comments."

Japan Scrapping Moon Mission 70

jonerik writes to mention the AP is reporting that Japan may be scrapping their upcoming moon mission. The original plan was for the "Lunar-A" probe to implant two seismic sensors on the moon, however, the project took so long that the delivery probe has fallen victim to neglect and would take too much money to repair. From the article: "The mission would have been Japan's first to the surface of the moon, and was originally scheduled for lift off in 1995. [...] JAXA's space development committee recommended canceling the Lunar-A project on Monday, and a final decision will be made later in the month, [Satoko] Kanazawa said."

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