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Comment Re:Here's an idea! (Score 1) 595

So what?

Doctor, "We used Rohypnol on you so you might notice that your pee is blue for a the first elimination!"
Patient, "Why is that?"
Doctor, "So less people are raped each year."
Patient, "Wow whoever thought that up must be more interested in human beings than a the marginal profit from rape sales!"
Doctor, "Yep, the F34nor on Slashdot is the motherfucking man!"
Patient, "What if I have to use this regularly?"
Doctor, "I guess you'll get used to blue pee!"
Patient, "My wife is going to use this to make me sit when I pee isn't she?"
Doctor, "White bath mats?"
Patient, "Yep."
Doctor, "You're days of manly peeing are over my friend, I'd invest in a Japanese toilet with heat and powered bidet to take the edge off your emasculation."

Comment Re: The world we live in. (Score 5, Interesting) 595

Ok, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you're a completely stupid fuck. For one thing I know someone who had roofies used on her. She knew a member of the frat since they were little kids and he still pulled a "bros before hoes" on her. (Yes I know he was probably the rapist.) I have also stumbled on someone in downtown Portland who had been given something. Had one drink and she couldn't walk properly. Roofies are not a "moral panic block", they are widely available, tasteless and odorless drug used by sociopaths to rape people. Do you read the news? Do know who many women are raped each year on campuses in the US? Take your useless, ignorant, thoughtless, opinion and have some frat boy tape it to his dick and shove it up your ass and see what you "think" about it then.

Comment Re:Quit COMPLAINING about Comcast and buy them out (Score 1) 368

They are useless bags of shit. My cousin works for an interactive TV system. They have had 3 deals fall through with Comcast because of incompetence of Comcast side. They wanted to make the deal, it would have made everyone money but Comcast was incapable of getting their shit together 3 time in a row.

Comment Re:Quit COMPLAINING about Comcast and buy them out (Score 1) 368

Natural monopolies exist for a reason. There is no reason to have six sets up copper on a pole delivering the same shit. Your argument that AT&T used regulation to prevent being sued has nothing to do with natural monopolies or regulation, it is simply and example of talented lawyers finding a solution to their problem within the greater scope of "rent seeking behavior." It was easier to limit their liability through regulation than being a better business.

As to " government specialized in correcting problems it created " that is the only possible logical approach to anything. The assumption that the free market or the government can do anything perfectly the first time and that it shouldn't continuously improved is insane. It is a fallacy that government is anything different than any other human endeavor, a pile of shit that stinks and need to be cleaned from time to time. The only reason the free market and business are seen as better is because you are unaware of the vast majority of cluster fucks that occur in business, you only become aware of success by its nature and so you have an unrealistic view of the market.

Comment Re:Quit COMPLAINING about Comcast and buy them out (Score 1) 368

I know for a fact you are wrong. We have a WISP provider in a rural area. We put in a permit application to run fiber from the wireless link to the neighborhood. As soon as we we threatening competition Comcast came in and put up wires after us asking for 30 years. The dicks also stopped at our property line and refused to run cable to our 4 rental houses. Yes it could have been a coincidence but I doubt it.

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