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Comment sigma-5 (Score 1) 192

99.998% uptime, 974 exabits moved without error, 56 firewall intercepts of phishing variety, 12,467 blocks to blacklist sites, 14,273,996 successful shopping cart transactions with 2 abandons, 67 helpless desk calls with cust satisfaction of 99% on survey, 3 new C-level gadgets installed of 3 requests, projects on or ahead of schedule... aw, what the heck, 2 BOFH reports and 3 replacements hired...

Comment you could also say Oracle was built to fail (Score 1) 163

that the software was not capable of being understood, or the documentation was skanty and faulty, that the Oracle consultants were dunderheads and got in the way, on and on.

nice opportunity for a court of law and special masters to sort out. make it happen. King Ellison I is not always right.

Comment breakups damage synergies (Score 4, Informative) 150

common flaw in greenmailer philosophy... except they only care about the now, and screw the future.

the subsidiary operations that look cash-positive are dependent on services from the core company, and generally share synergies (back-office costs, research, brand value, facilities, yo'momma, whatever) which make them look better on the spreadsheet.

take that away in a breakup, all of a sudden the "haves" are hurting for resources, and need to spend big to replace them. but the experience needed to utilize the resources went with another arm of the octopus.

therefore, (5a): no profit and flounder.

this "unlocking shareholder value" thing is a cloak over the same old pirate uniform.

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