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Comment Re:Do they ever follow up? (Score 1) 283

The founders who wrote the Constitution were lawyers, they knew about prosecutions, and they limited the power of government to prosecute people. They didn't limit the power of government to engage in public works. They knew that governments had to build lighthouses, ports, canals and roads, and run the post office.

Yes and no.... for example, they realized a national company to deliver mail was necessary (as opposed to a bunch of local ones trying to work together), but they don't run it. It's and not for a reason. And while they realized the necessity of some infrastructure, they did not give power to the federal government to do it, they quite explicitly left it in the hands of local governments.

Comment Re:How is that "our" fault? (Score 1) 185

Many have also supported it. There are some minor factual disputes (like the number of words spoken during the day), but the fact that some parts of women's brains are different sizes than men's (some bigger, some smaller) is not in dispute, nor is the fact that, during puberty, males and females are subject to high levels of different hormones.

Comment Re:How is that "our" fault? (Score 1) 185

Just because you WANT an egalitarian society doesn't mean one can magically exist, or that we're all basically the same... if you want to ignore scientific fact that certain parts of the female brain are different sizes than men's, then you're really no better than creationists who think the world is 6k years old.

Comment Re:Do they ever follow up? (Score 1) 283

There are some people who just get a malicious enjoyment out of condemning the laziness, bad habits and inferiority of others.

Why do you want to take that simple pleasure away from him?

No, the real difference here is that the people that don't want to subsidize poor people think the poor people are not inferior, they're mostly just making terrible life choices - we thing they could do better. What liberals seem to believe is akin to the "soft bigotry of low expectations" applied to lower class. What I want is for people to help themselves. Given the realization that some people simply can't, I accept assistance programs... but not "broadband."

Comment Re:The downside is taxpayers... (Score 1) 283

Will "the internet" show you directions to the library where you can use a public internet system?

Of course it will.

I agree with pretty much everything you said, though - what are most people going to do when handed free internet? Facebook? And of course they can afford a computer to do all this with, right? Or is that the next thing we'll be handing out?

Comment Re:The downside is taxpayers... (Score 1) 283

Because no service the government provides for people is not being abused, and the easier it to abuse, the more people are doing it. It's impossible for handouts to NOT be abused, even when you give food stamps that have limited purpose uses, people sell it for pennies on the dollar to buy drugs/alcohol/tobacco.

I consider myself a libertarian, but also believe that you can't just let people go without the basic necessities... however, the only really acceptable way is one that can't be abused. If that means you do something like converting closed military bases into basic shelter, and serve quality food at regular meal times, and provide bulk/cheap clothing, instead of handing out money, then so be it. Provide public transportation so people can get to work and work their way out of the "poor house," help them all you want - but people have to put effort into it, and if they're caught abusing the system, then they should be on their own. Internet access is NOT a basic necessity unless you're a slashnerd... plenty of people of means still live without it.

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