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Comment Re:Sigh... (Score 1) 789

No chance, really?

Ukraine was for a while (until they voluntarily gave them up) one of the most significant nuclear powers in the world. If things really got nuclear who's to say they didn't still save a few around, or couldn't build a few in a matter of months. It would only take a few high yield warheads to take out a significant fraction of the Russian economy and government in the blink of an eye...

Comment Re:A willingness to fight (Score 3, Insightful) 579

Yep, that's what I was thinking. Also a seemingly inherent need to pontificate about any random philosophy, statistics, or trivia they may or may not actually be experts on.

Really, this should have been completely obvious to anyone who posts on slashdot (not to mention the gender gap here makes Wikipedia look like a bridal shower in comparison).

Comment Re:not so fast (Score 5, Insightful) 128

The evolutionary reality is even simpler that that (though the achievement of those is clearly not). The three main factors are:

1. be able to reproduce
2. be able to attract/acquire a mate
3. be able to care for/protect offspring long enough for them to reach #1

Clearly if it was just up #1 we would still be living alongside the rest of the primates. #2 can be a fairly complex social interaction - but insects are just as capable of it as humans. #3 is where the whole thing explodes, and is the key to investing all of those resources into the brain (and is what made it more evolutionarily advantageous to extend the time to #1 and #2).

Though of course in modern human society, social and technological advancement in #3 has so outpaced the first two that they barely seem to matter, and is why we are basically blowing past any "natural" population control. Our brains are letting us find clever ways of surviving and stripping the planet of resources, but unless we figure out a way to expand beyond the planet or stop using its finite resources we'll go through the same collapse seen in any other species going through a population explosion...

Comment Re:So there's 100 or so unimmunized? (Score 1) 387

Well, I do agree with you the media is as much to blame as any talking heads spewing the misinformation (just not that we should give the original sources a pass).

The problem is same as with global warming, evolution, or other fringe non-scientific alternative opinions. The media tries to "balance" the argument by providing equal coverage of both sides when in reality the actual evidence/voices/etc are overwhelmingly in favor of one side (skip to 3:20 if you just want the punchline...)

Comment Re:So there's 100 or so unimmunized? (Score 1) 387

She's still promoting unsubstantiated FUD about vaccinations, she has just switched her focus from autism to "toxins".

"Yet as doctors say, dosage makes the poison. The amount of, say, formaldehyde in a typical vaccination is much less than you’d get eating an apple. The same can be shown for the other ingredients claimed to be toxins in vaccines as well. The truth is vaccines contain far too small a dose of any of these things to cause any of the problems McCarthy and other anti-vaxxers claim doctors say, dosage makes the poison.

Also, botulinum is the single most lethal toxin known to humans. Yet McCarthy has enthusiastically praised injecting this toxin into her face. How can anyone possibly say that and also say vaccines have dangerous levels of toxins in them with a straight face?"

Comment Re:Trust but verify (Score 1) 211

Eh, I think "Tesla will not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use our technology" was pretty clear. Of course they are going to bring the lawyers in and codify it all, etc. I'm sure it will be the pretty standard "you don't sue us we won't sue you kind of thing" plenty of other companies have already done. This was a blog post, not a legal document...

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