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Comment Re:Hackers Are Pampered (Score 1) 102

True, but only relevant to North Korea if "free" straw is plentiful. Though really, it's hay that rabbits need to thrive. Straw is basically the leftover shafts of harvested grains, which doesn't have near the nutrients of hay.

To get lots of straw you'd need lots of grain crops, anyway, so they'd have lots of food. And to get what you you really need, hay, you need to harvest the crops before they seed, so you are basically giving it to the rabbits instead of the people.

Comment Re:Mod parent up. (Score 1) 102

It totally depends on your goal. If you want to immediately disrupt all communications, financial transactions, etc in preparation for an attack, you probably want to crash a lot of those machines (and by crash of course that means disable, not just reboot).

An the article already said it was a particular 48,000 machines that ended up taking down several South Korean TV stations and banks. 1800 "soldiers" taking out significant resources in South Korea near instantly? Sounds a hell of a lot more effective than anything 1800 (or 18,000, or probably 180,000) North Korean infantry could accomplish.

Also, please explain to Sony Pictures how the North Korean cyber warfare group is just propaganda. While it's not proven yet, signs are pointing to that group being responsible for completely taking down almost all operations at Sony Pictures for the last week, as well as stealing several high def copies of upcoming movies. Probably cost them tens of millions of dollars so far, maybe more.

Comment Re:eh, the article is better than the summary (Score 1) 584

He's not a jerk, no, but it was a stupid intro to the topic which basically destroyed the article from the start.

And the fact is, many boys do not decide on an engineering path until college, so motivating girls towards engineering/science pre-teen is not likely to be the solution.

Comment critical development age!? (Score 5, Insightful) 584

at a critical developmental age, his 4-year-old daughter wants to be a princess, not a scientist or engineer

This alone makes the entire premise completely idiotic.

Most 4-year-old *boys* want to be professional athletes, firemen, or, astronauts. I am a "principal architect", and I only decided I wanted to be "an engineer" at about age 23 (about a year after I actually worked in the field).

The only "critical development" for a 4 year old should be learning how play well with others and talk in semi-coherent sentences.

Comment Re:obviously they should track the sun (Score 1) 327

In my case (since I don't have A/C, I guess, and my electricity usage is pretty low) it was > 10 years to pay for itself. And of course, motors wouldn't even help much (another example of the many variables that go towards estimating efficiency/return on investment) since there are 2 large (but awesome) trees providing evening shade on the west side of the house (also a reason A/C isn't necessary :)

Comment Re:But that isn't possible (Score 1) 327

I don't know how they forgot about your tree though.

I don't know either, IT'S AN AWESOME FUCKING TREE!

(seriously though, it's a 60 year old Juniper shading the whole patio. As long as the (ironically in the solar article) PG&E powerline tree butchers manage not to destroy it, it's the highlight of the back yard...)

Comment Re:obviously they should track the sun (Score 1) 327

Except excluding maintenance costs on what, a dozen or more motors means that's not a good estimate.

Not to mention it's absolutely impossible to even estimate payback period with any accuracy unless you know the exact cost of the installation, the homeowner's usage, the policies of the utility company and/or government organization that manages the utilities, etc.

Comment Re:But that isn't possible (Score 1) 327

An important aspect the author overlooks is that many residential customers prefer aesthetics over optimization, and therefore the panels are often mounted as closely in parallel with the plane of the roof as practical.

Even without taking aesthetics into account, I don't even have a west-slanting roof, just north and south. And there is a giant tree on the west side of the house so angling them west wouldn't do any good, either.

Comment Propagation deltys (Score 1) 720

I have placed it in another room and run HDMI and USB cables, but the propagation delay caused horrible tearing and lag when playing games.

Ok, then you just aren't doing it right. HDMI or USB cable can easily run 15-20m without issues. If that's not far enough I think you don't need a new cable, you need a new wife...

Comment Re:Copyright? (Score 1) 194

"Adversary!?" Jesus. Seriously? Get a life, dude. I'm not your "adversary", just someone who disagrees with something you said on a random tech blog.

Solar calculators have been around since the 1970's and have perfectly capable since then without the technology mentioned in the article. Your example is bad, deal with it, it's ok, everyone shits the bed once in a while...

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