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Comment amazing (Score 5, Informative) 60

I am so excited over yet another GPU that will never be in stock anywhere. It will join the ranks of absent CPUs, and soon-to-be absent hard drives. Somehow as China and Iran mine more crypto, the world's consumers will lose any possibility of building their own systems and be required to abandon the idea of building custom PCs, or using custom servers and NAS for self-hosting and will need to turn to their cloud hyperscaler betters for their compute and data storage needs.

Comment Re:Here's an offensive term (Score 5, Insightful) 570

No there isn't an end to "words that hurt". There is simply no limit to the currently ongoing race to be offended. Hence the "microaggressions" etc. There is no greater attempt at global intolerance than the "woke movement". This entire country has raised behaving like a spoiled self-important child to a national pasttime.

I am an Eastern European Jew. Majority of my family died in the Holocaust or fighting the Nazis. But I enjoy a good Jew joke as much as anyone else. I had a longtime German friend who loved Nazi jokes. I laughted. I have friends who are Asian, Indian, Black. You know what - we can and do make fun of each other's cultures. It seems that I recognize that there is a subtlety to human communication, something that seems to be utterly lost from the US politics. I also recognize that the safety of free speech is FAR more important than any specific person or group's sense of butthurt enthusiasm.

I just hope that this Ouroboros eats itself before it's too late.

Comment Re:The February Freeze (Score 1, Flamebait) 713

Their attitude towards nuclear power comes from the same place that saw justice Kavanaugh get slammed no matter the investigation, but gov Cuomo get the "should resign if the investigation supports", or how children in cages were a scandal for Trump, but a gag order for Obama or Biden. When your goal is winning an election and expanding your power, rather than actually doing anything for the country, it's far better to look good than to be good.

Comment Re:Vaccine outcomes? (Score -1) 156

I hate to be a conspiracy theorist, and I haven't really seen any of this data published yet, but months ago I said that if another strain of SARS-CoV2 emerges just after the vaccine is released, which is not covered by the vaccine, the timing would suggest that the new strain was engineered specifically to bypass the vaccination efforts. I guess we will just have to see.

Comment Re:And the beat plays on (Score 1) 208

I am not sure you understand how ranked-choice voting actually works in the real world. This article actually has a reasonable summary of the pitfalls:

Ranked voting allows for MORE polarization, because it provides a cushion to vote for a more extreme position first, by just ranking it higher.

Comment Re:Are we at that level already, America? (Score 4, Insightful) 210

What's amazing to me is the level of doublethink of people who readily accept the idea that their political opponents manipulate election results, manipulate statistical data for political means, and are ready to use force to silence the opposition... and at the same time vehemently deny even the possibility that their political favorites could possibly do exactly that. The cocktail of anger, naivete, and delusion it takes to achieve this mental state is frankly staggering.

Comment Re:Property rights and control (Score 2) 15

"Bigotry" and "Cultural myopia"... wow - those are some big claims. Yet it's little more than projection. I get to have my opinion of what is important. You claim that personal freedom is not important to the Chinese, and you base it on the fact that their lower class has never had one. That's the equivalent of stating in 1860 that the slaves have never had freedom and it's thus not important to them, so they should stay slaves. In the end, moral relativism simply doesn't stand up to historical scrutiny. Freedom is freedom, and slavery is slavery. As far as bigotry is concerned, I'm not the one assigning a system of priorities that doesn't include personal freedom to an entire nation of more than a billion people.

Comment social credit (Score 3, Insightful) 17

Vast majority of payments in China are now through their social credit/Wechat system. Google really likes that model. This way you know exactly what everyone is buying, and you control all their finances all the time. You can predict dissent early and punish it severely.

Just remember - a stable system doesn't mean it's a good system, but I am sincerely unsure how such a system can ever be changed, if it controls and monitors every important aspect of people's lives. No organized dissent is possible at the outset.

Comment Property rights and control (Score 3, Informative) 15

I don't many people understand the societal impact of these technologies. The oligarchs of China do. The end goal is a life bereft of all control. You rent your living space or are given it by the government. You get a monthly stipend by the grace of the state. You ride public transportation or rent a taxi. You watch and listen to what you're allowed to at any moment, subject to change. You have little of yours to protect. In the end, you are a shell of a human being, with nothing to strive towards and nothing to protect, a subject of your superiors, be it the state, the corporate overlords, both... who cares. This is the brave new world the likes of which Huxley could barely have imagined. The Big Brother is here. He came quietly, but he's not leaving.

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