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Journal Journal: A 1974 review of D&D 26

Boing Boing pointed me to this 1974 review of the "new" Dungeons and Dragons game.

Some highlights: D&D was subtitled "Rules for Fantastic Medieval Wargams Campaigns Playable with Paper and Pencil and Miniature Figures."

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Return of the son of the mailbag! 123

Because I so enjoy sharing the brilliant emails I get, I present to you:

"How Sad."

Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 20:50:16 -0600


Journal Journal: I have an audition for I, Robot. 53

I have an audition to play a robot in the upcoming Fox picture I, Robot. I have read that the script isn't an actual adaptation of Asimov's book, nor is it the brilliant script Harlan Ellison wrote so long ago.

However, the sides that I have for my call on Thursday are straight out of I, Robot. In the scene, a detective questions a robot who was caught fleeing the scene of his master's death. Sound familiar?


Journal Journal: Why I quit G4 81

Back in summer, Travis Oates and I quit our jobs hosting "Arena" on G4.

Since then, I have been overwhelmed with emails from people, wanting to know why we quit.

It's a long story, but here's a very short version:

The producer I was working with was, in my opinion, an amateur. Horribly unprofessional, he treated me and my partner with shocking contempt and disrespect.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: One more look into the mailbag 21

. . . and then, from time to time, something comes through that makes me laugh so hard my sides hurt.

From: "Willie WheatonisaLoser"
Date: Mon Dec 9, 2002 21:28:38 US/Pacific
Subject: Unbelievable.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Let's open up the WWDN mailbag! 61

Since I haven't written in the old /. journal in a few weeks, I thought I'd share with the five of you who read this an email I picked up today.

It's no secret that my political views and philosophies don't match up with the flag-waving "you're with us or against us" crowd.

From time to time, I get an email from one of these folks...and they always end up making an even better case against themselves than I could ever hope to, albeit unintentionally.


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