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It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal CleverNickName's Journal: One more look into the mailbag 21

. . . and then, from time to time, something comes through that makes me laugh so hard my sides hurt.

From: "Willie WheatonisaLoser"
Date: Mon Dec 9, 2002 21:28:38 US/Pacific
Subject: Unbelievable.

cOmE oN nOw, YoU cAn'T bE sErIoUs. YoUr WeBsiTe Is ThE bIgGeSt JoKe, I mEaN wHaT's WiTh ThE dIaRy TyPe EnTrIeS aNd ThE wAcK hOmEmAdE tShIrTs? StAnD bY mE iS a GrEaT mOvIe, AnD tHeRe Is WhErE yOu PeAkEd. YoUr CuRrEnT pRoJeCtS aRe A jOkE, i MeAn ThE hOoTeRs StOrY hAd Me CrAcKiNg Up. YeA yOu "UsEd To Be An AcToR" bEcAuSe WhAt YoU'rE dOiN' nOw IsN't AcTiNg, It'S wIsHiNg ThAt YoU cOuLd Be AnY gOoD aT iT. i MeAn It'S nOt LiKe YoU hAvEn'T bEeN dIsCoVeReD, iT's JuSt ThAt No OnE wAnTs YoU iN tHeIr MoViEs BeCaUsE yOu ArE lAaAaAaAaAaAmE!!!!

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One more look into the mailbag

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  • by AntiFreeze ( 31247 ) <antifreeze42@gCU ... minus physicist> on Tuesday December 10, 2002 @01:53AM (#4851767) Homepage Journal
    How can one laugh at that when one's eyes feel like they're gushing blood?

    P.S. Mojo mojo mojo. Sorry about Berman dude.

  • Just think, if we hadn't gotten rid of that whole 'natural selection' thing a while back, that guy would be hyena kibble by now (I have to imagine the tribes would toss the old people first, followed by the crippled, followed shortly by the irritating).

    Sometimes I long for the good ole' days when men were men, women were mostly naked, and irritating twits were predator bait.

  • by wdr1 ( 31310 )
    I was disappointed the flamer wasn't clever enough to make all those caps form a secret message.

    • he clearLy lacks the Intelignece required to come up with that Kind of thing. hE should crawl back into his hole and sTrangle HImSelf.
  • I started to get a headache reading this because of the unusual use of Caps as well as the content. I can't see any other reason for writing this way other than to give the reader a headache.

    On a side note, because I was reading each word really slowly, I got James T. Kirk's voice appearing in my head.'

    You and Bill are cool now, right? So at least we know that this email isn't from him.
  • I love that email. Nothing like "creative capitalization" to make something hard to read & funny. (That's funny, point and laugh at the idiot. Haw, haw! /nelson muntz Shamelessly stolen from Wil's site; and it fits perfectly.)

    BTW, the only TV I catch regularly anymore is Arena [], Firefly + John Doe, reruns of Stargate, and Farscape (when it comes back for its encore).

    Arena (well, the writer(s) mostly) makes me laugh. I can't drink anything while watching it, for fear of redecorating something near me. I'm just glad that no one at work knows, because if someone whispered in my ear: "They're in the water. They're in the waaater." in a meeting at work, I might get chastised for laughing. Like Alan Alda did in MASH. With the rolling out of chairs and the crying.


  • by Elwood P Dowd ( 16933 ) <> on Tuesday December 10, 2002 @03:02AM (#4852097) Journal
    He's right. He's proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you, everyone else here, and I, are all losers: we wasted the brainpower to actually read that idiotic message.

    So we certainly aren't winners.
  • >>
    Come on now, you can't be serious. Your website Is the biggest joke, I mean what's with the diary type entries and the wack homemade tshirts? Stand by me is a great movie, and there Is where you peaked. Your current projects are A joke, i mean the hooters story had Me cracking Up. Yea you "used To Be An actor" because what you're doin' now isn't acting, It'S wishing that you could Be any good at it. I mean It'S not like you haven't been discovered, it's just that No one wants you in their movies because you are laaaaaaaaaaame!!!!

    Hope this helps!
  • I imagine you hate hearing star trek ideas from fans, but here goes anyway...

    I think you would have been the perfect actor and character (wesley crusher) for the "guy from the future" featured earlier this season on Enterprise.

    I'm not sure how well it would have gone with the storylines of STTNG or Enterprise but I think it would have been incredibly cool to bring Wesley back from the future for that part.
    • It would be cool if he commanded his own starship! But I'm sure Wil can play other roles, Wesley isn't the only one. For example, he could be Wesley's evil twin. Wait... Brent Spiner already did that. Um... What if Wil appeared in some other show?
  • Did that guy run his mail through a perl script to make it look like that? Geez :)
  • Aside from his note being hard to read, he also doesn't get it.

    To blog is to be.

"There is such a fine line between genius and stupidity." - David St. Hubbins, "Spinal Tap"
