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Comment Re:Agree 100% (Score 2) 182

I'd be so happy if this shit died off already. I didn't care for them as a kid and I certainly don't give a shit at this point.

Honest question here: Why would you be happy. Presumably something you don't care about going away would be neutral at best. In order for you to be happy about something dying off, it has to be actively or indirectly affecting you in a negative way, so in what way are you being negatively affected by the MCU?

Comment Re:Same crap, different way of paying for it (Score 1) 348

For original content worth seeing they've got the Grand Tour (3 seasons worth), The Tick (2 seasons worth), Jean Claude Van Johnson and Jack Ryan.

For licensed content they have a bunch worth seeing or rewatching, including Babylon 5, Psych, Chuck, Stargate (Atlantis, SG-U, SG-1), Farscape, Parks & Rec.

They've got movies from Dune to Road House, with The Blue's Brothers in between.

In my opinion, it's not worth getting for just the streaming service, but as a bonus to the free shipping from Amazon it's well worth the cost.

Comment Re:Is Fortnite fun? (Score 1) 91

Surely I can't be the only one who doesn't "get" what the fuss is about. Anybody? Bueller...?

I'm not a fortnite fan, but games like this are so much more fun with a group. You drop in duo or quads and build. You have voice chat to keep the long runs entertaining and you have friends able to get you back up if you die. I actually enjoy myself some solo PUBG, couldn't get into fortnite. Of course, I only play a game or 2 of PUBG per week, so I'm not their target market.

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