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Comment Re: Lascivious J bastards (Score 0, Flamebait) 286

Bad words against sjws, modded down. /. Is turning into a shithole.

Don't forget that google is the sjw company that treats users like cattle. Users are there to get their personal info milked for profit.
We shouldn't be surprised by all these, to be a google employee you should have zero ethics and self-pride. Everything for the money.

Comment Re: Did they put in spin loop on sleep()? (Score 1) 187

Compare android updates to windows service packs, not different windows versions.
Because the greater the android version is, the more it's java subsystem is polished and/or replaced by native libs.
If a vendor notices a regression on one of their platform, why would they push that update?
Exactly, they'd scrap it, just like LG did with some updates for the lg g4.
Otoh, if you push one update that causes regressions it would be foolish... But to do it on multiple generations it would be on purpose.

Comment Re:Mac Support Cost about $0 (Score 1) 91

I installed debian stable to a bakery's boy's snsa eee 1000 netbook and he came back asking to change his desktop, too, to debian.
Guess what, debian's support costs $0, runs even on a toaster, has file manager, browser, IM clients e.t.c. and I don't see any reason to choose running firefox on debian, over running firefox on anything else.

IBM and TFA fails to mention all the additional s/w that they have to buy in order to support windows and they fail to mention that moving one "retard" from windows to linux ends up having that retard sperg about how linux is difficult. OTOH moving the same retard from windows to something from Apple, they don't complain, because it's shinny.

Comment It makes me wonder (Score 1, Flamebait) 158

Google has been a home to many SJWs,
yet they are the best in the business to offer fake news, manipulate results, track people with or without consent, spy on their users, treat their users as products and now here's another example of how proud they would've made Himmler.
"get your censored search engine from the people's SJW-driven company NAO"
"did the Natzees hurt your feelings? Don't worry, because diversity and inclusion always win. Get your Censored service for only $99.95. The first 10 orders get STD tracking for free" ....let the down-voting begin.

Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 4, Insightful) 161

no, the guy who lost his job because he had a different opinion.
It didn't have anything to do with his job, he just happened to have other likes and dislikes when he got home.
and to top that, we watch all day long those SJW idiots on twitter explicitly saying "opinions my own, not my employer's",
guess what, if your opinion doesn't fit their mentality, your opinion gets dragged into your work environment, either you like it or not.
The best part about this shit show is that mozzarella won't exist in a few years.

Comment Re:You got used, Greg! (Score 1) 86

it seems unworth their effort to attempt to integrate a subtle kernel patch written by a vendor to fix a kernel optimization feature not critical to their niche marketplace.

servers are a niche marketplace? Since when?
Also, I don't think that Theo checked the size of his slice in the operating system usage pie chart, in order to form his opinion. As a matter of fact, his stance not only caused trouble in the small community that uses openbsd in their servers, but avoided new users installing it on their machines.

My mention about nvidia is only as a reference to the middle finger and has nothing to do with nvidia running on openbsd.

Comment Re:You got used, Greg! (Score 0) 86

neither Linus nor Greg are Theos.
Only Theo de Raadt had the balls to say NO to intel's incompetence in creating a secure product. He didn't bother cleaning up someone else's shit, he decided to disable those features, e.g. HyperThreading(tm).
If Linus had the balls to yell at intel, or even flip the middle finger, like he did with novidia, he would've blocked all those patches that not only messed up with the kernel's internals, but caused regressions and the fucking patch that intel sent, disabled features for AMD's CPUs too... which AMD later fixed with another patch.

Intel's influence on the kernel and Linus' damage control with Intel was something that he should have heard a word or two.

It's not a coincidence that Theo in Greek means God, which is short for Theodore, God's Gift.

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