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Submission + - Dual boot Linux/Android tablet allows complete source control (

drachensun writes: The PengPod, a second generation product offering Linux/Android dual boot has begun releasing source and instructions to build complete OS images. The device currently supports Linaro, ArchLinux, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Android and Ubuntu Touch. The company is currently marketing the device as an industrial touch control system and for hackers who want to try out different systems.

Submission + - MAVEN mission to Mars will proceed, despite shutdown

necro81 writes: Due to the ongoing shutdown of the U.S. Government, NASA is largely grounded. This is bad for all kinds of reasons, but one particularly bad outcome would have been missing the launch window for the MAVEN spacecraft, due to launch 18 November. The next launch window would not have been until 2016. MAVEN, thankfully, has been given the go-ahead, in large part because this orbiter will serve as a vital communications link for the Opportunity and Curiosity rovers currently on the surface. Currently, these rovers are served by two aging orbiters: Mars Odyssey (launched 2001) and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (launched 2005). Maintaining communications with the rovers is considered essential, hence the preparations and launch will proceed. (NASA's official mission website is currently offline.)

Submission + - Scientists show turning pigs into catalysts works quite well! 1

toQDuj writes: Imagine you could turn pigs into catalysts. You might think that that would take quite some work, but it turns out to be surprisingly easy as long as you have a good oven and some salts lying around. This has been demonstrated by Zoe Schnepp (of the newly formed Schnepp Group at the U. of Birmingham)in collaboration with Yuanjian Zhang, Martin Hollamby, Brian R. Pauw and others. The work has just been published here, and has already made the university front page with this press release.

Submission + - Dual boot Linux Android tablet offers OS you can build from source (

drachensun writes: The PengPod 1040 tablet has multiple GNU/Linux distributions available including Fedora, ArchLinux, OpenSUSE and Linaro. Built top to bottom with open source, the previous generation of PengPods were used in many diverse applications including printer controls, GPS navigation systems and POS registers.

Submission + - Raspberry Pi Gets An Iris Camera 2

An anonymous reader writes: Today a small company in Virginia announced a big idea for the Raspberry Pi. The company's idea is simple: attach an iris camera called MyeLock to a Raspberry Pi, and offer a developer's kit called "MyePiLock." MyePiLock provides a way for R-Pi enthusiasts to build their own biometric applications. Biometrica Inc. is bringing non-contact biometrics into the mainstream through a new project on Kickstarter, including the MyePiLock kit as one of the backer options.

According to the video, MyePiLock provides "...a platform for students and educators to learn about real-time image processing." This fits well with Raspberry Pi's educational mission, while still providing hobbyists a platform to implement different uses for iris recognition.

Submission + - We like you so much and want to know you better (

Amorymeltzer writes: When Mae Holland is hired to work for the Circle, the world’s most powerful internet company, she feels she’s been given the opportunity of a lifetime. The Circle, run out of a sprawling California campus, links users’ personal emails, social media, banking, and purchasing with their universal operating system, resulting in one online identity and a new age of civility and transparency. As Mae tours the open-plan office spaces, the towering glass dining facilities, the cozy dorms for those who spend nights at work, she is thrilled with the company’s modernity and activity. There are parties that last through the night, there are famous musicians playing on the lawn, there are athletic activities and clubs and brunches, and even an aquarium of rare fish retrieved from the Marianas Trench by the CEO. Mae can’t believe her luck, her great fortune to work for the most influential company in the world—even as life beyond the campus grows distant, even as a strange encounter with a colleague leaves her shaken, even as her role at the Circle becomes increasingly public. What begins as the captivating story of one woman’s ambition and idealism soon becomes a heart-racing novel of suspense, raising questions about memory, history, privacy, democracy, and the limits of human knowledge.

You can read an excerpt here.

Submission + - Learn To Write Clean Code (

An anonymous reader writes: Have you ever opened up a file before and thought to yourself “WTF?”. This probably happened because it was hard to read, there is so much code and logic going on at once and you are just counting the “WTFs per minute”.

So it is very important to write clean code especially with languages like JavaScript. As programmers, engineers, developers, we write code then we should make an effort to write clean code because we care about our craft.

A big part of writing software is to make it readable for others and more importantly yourself for when you have to revisit your code in the future. Most programmers think that once the code is working, they can move on and be done. However, the next and just as equally important step is to refactor your code and to clean it up. So here is a couple of tips I have learned.

Choose descriptive names

I have seen a lot of code on the web where they use single letter variable names or variable names that do not make sense. Having good variables can act as good documentation for your code and eliminate the need to write comments. Names in software are 90 percent of what make software readable. You need to take the time to choose them wisely and keep them relevant. Names are too important to treat carelessly.

Functions should only do one thing

It’s very important to write your functions as small as possible. It’s a lot easier to test a smaller function then a 100 line behemoth. Also, small functions are more focused. It’s a lot easier to understand what is going on the smaller the function is. The function should only do one thing and that’s it.

Classes should only be about one thing

As well as writing your functions as small as possible your classes should be written as small as possible as well. Classes or modules should have one and only one reason to change and have one responsibility. This forces our classes to be focused and this is known as the Single Responsibility Principle.

Refactor, Refactor, Refactor

If you need to add more code to the file you are working, it is completely fine to add in everything that you need to and fatten it up. Once everything is working, you should then refactor it. Look for areas where you can break things out into another class or move your methods around. The goal is to try and make the file smaller then when you first saw it. We want to have our code to be as organized as possible. It’s a lot easier to work with a bunch of smaller organized components then one massive unorganized code base.

Your code should be able to adapt to change, always.

Your code should be able to adapt to change. When I write code, I like to think of how lazy of a programmer I want to be in the future. If new changes are being done to my code, I want to be able to adapt and implement as quickly as possible and this can be done through having small classes and methods. Duplication is another reason why code can not be changed as easily. Try to avoid it as much as possible and you will see that you can make changes to your code much easier.

Always and I mean ALWAYS test your code

Code that is written using the TDD method is far better then code that is not tested. You can’t expect to have clean code if you do not have any test coverage. Remember, your code needs to be able to adapt to change and if there is no test coverage then you are most likely going to be afraid of changing your code. With test coverage you can make changes with confidence and be cool doing it.


Every programmer should read these books Clean Code, Refactoring, Design Patterns. Once you are done reading these books. Reread them again. They will change the way you write your code.

Submission + - In Praise of Micromanagement 1

Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes: Sydney Finkelstein writes at BBC that Steve Jobs, Mickey Drexler, and Jeff Bezos all have something in common. They are all builders of giant brands, very successful, and each is (or was) "an unmitigated, unapologetic, micromanager!" The modern executive is taught — in business schools and in many jobs — that to manage people effectively is to delegate, and then get out of the way. But it's not delegate and forget says Finkelstein; it must be delegate and be intimately involved with what happens next. Micromanagers must be selective. You can’t delve into the details of everything, and in fact superstar micromanagers don’t. "Steve Jobs was intimately involved with each product the company designed, and was even famously involved in designing the glass stairs at the Apple stores. But financial and operational issues were delegated to second-in-command and current Apple chief executive officer Tim Cook." One key is that micromanagers must be experts. What could be worse than a manager immersed in the details who really doesn’t know his stuff? Finally, it takes a strong, trusted team to be a micromanager. Could Steve Jobs have spent weeks with the iPhone design team if there was no one else to mind the store? If not for Tim Cook, perhaps the legend of Steve Jobs would not have turned out quite so well. "The good news is that the best micromanagers are often the best talent developers," writes Finkelstein. "Their attention to detail, their intimate knowledge of the business and their deep involvement in what’s going on actually enables more, not less, delegation."

Submission + - The Power of Open Source 1

An anonymous reader writes: In a world full of tablet choices, people are choosing the tablet that is most popular. Why would people limit themselves to just one operating system? Why be limited in the programs tablets can run when some have the ability to run whatever the mind can imagine? With open source tablets, that ability is available. Running anything from a favorite game to a complete word processor to a POS system can be done on one device. This turns the ordinary tablet into something extraordinarily user friendly and useful to the everyday life.

  There are products in the market that can do all of these things. Ubuntu, one of the most popular distro, is releasing a new product this month called Ubuntu Touch. With this product, users will be able to have an entire desk top in the palms of their hands. Just a few flicks of the finger and the user can watch videos, switch between apps, and share to social networks. Another product is the Pengpod1040. This product can triple boot, running the Ubuntu Touch software as well as a standard Linux interface and an Android interface. It puts the consumer in the drivers seat to choose how they want use the product.

As technology is ever changing, major mainstream operating systems arenâ(TM)t always in a position to take advantage of the latest hardware. A consumer should have a choice on how they want to use their product. With open source, the opportunities to do so are endless.

Submission + - NATO's Lasting Legacy In Afghanistan: Literacy (

An anonymous reader writes: The Kansas City Star reports, "Illiteracy is a staggering problem in Afghanistan, where decades of war and disruptions in public education left only about 28 percent of adults able to read and write as of 2009, though NATO officers believe the number as improved at least modestly since then. Illiteracy among Afghans of military age was a major hurdle as the NATO-led coalition began working with the Afghan government to expand the country’s army and police forces. Recruits couldn’t follow basic written instructions, much less read instruction manuals for new weapons and equipment. So NATO set up a course to teach basic reading skills. So far more than 220,000 members of the Afghan national army and police have been trained in basic reading, and more than 70,000 have achieved a level that made them functionally literate. About 50,000 more are in the program’s classes now. ... Literacy instruction is expected to continue as a permanent part of training, with the Afghan government taking over the funding after NATO’s involvement stops late next year ... Improving literacy has implications not only for jobs and the economy, but for freeing villagers from the sway of radical imams who in areas dominated by insurgents often are a main source of information about how the world works."

Submission + - Contrary to what you've heard, Android is almost impenetrable to malware (

smaxp writes: Until now, Google hasn’t talked about malware on Android because it did not have the data or analytic platform to back its security claims. But that changed dramatically today when Google’s Android Security chief Adrian Ludwig reported data showing that less than an estimated 0.001% of app installations on Android are able to evade the system’s multi-layered defenses and cause harm to users. Android, built on an open innovation model, has quietly resisted the locked down, total control model spawned by decades of Windows malware. Ludwig spoke today at the Virus Bulletin conference in Berlin because he has the data to dispute the claims of pervasive Android malware threats.

Submission + - Sen Rand Paul Fundraises for Lavabit Legal Defense Fund (

SonicSpike writes: Senator Rand Paul, with the help of his dad's organization, Campaign for Liberty, are fundraising for the legal defense fund for Ladar Levison, founder of Lavabit. In case you missed it, Ladar Levison closed down his Lavabit e-mail service instead of allowing the NSA to have access to his customer's records upon demand.

Submission + - The dark side of Apple's iBeacons (

redkemper writes: Alongside the introduction of Apple’s latest mobile operating system iOS 7, the company also rolled out its answer to the NFC technology it has gone out of its way to avoid in iPhones, iPads and iPod touch handhelds. The solution is called “iBeacon,” and it allows for the creation of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons that emit signals iOS 7-powered devices will automatically react to when they come within range of the beacon. These beacons can be apps installed on Apple’s iOS devices or they can be dedicated hardware that use BLE to interact with Apple handsets and tablets. There are some great use cases out there that really could make fantastic use of Apple’s new iBeacon feature, but there is also a darker side of iBeacons that could become a huge annoyance for iPhone owners and other iOS device users...

Submission + - Time for a TOR Alternative?

An anonymous reader writes: Given the great uncertainty about using TOR in the wake of recent FBI and NSA operations, leaks and arrests, isn't it time for a new network, designed with all of these recent issues in mind? Many lessons have been learned recently. Time to adapt, crowdsource and develop.

I could imagine a lot of money funding an IndiGoGo or Kickstarter campaign to start development. Look at how well Mailpile did.

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