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Comment Enabling US carriers to do what, exactly? (Score 2) 216

I can't speak for anyone else here, but I certainly can't watch even one HD movie on my phone, with the 4 GB plan for which I'm grossly overcharged by Verizon. There's absolutely no incentive in the US for carriers to change their tune played to their captive audience. Great, with 5G I can get shit service that much faster.

Comment Re:No thank you (Score 1) 267

Look, I'm not saying that I don't understand your position and share your concerns. But look, they got Lawrence Kasdan to write the script with him, and they've been building actual *sets*, so I feel like we're already closer to getting something resembling Star Wars than we ever were with those ridiculous prequels.

Comment Sociopath Ruins Lives, Film at 11 (Score 5, Interesting) 728

This isn't about women, or trolling, or "culture". Andrew Auernheimer is a fucking sociopath loser who has no concept of what it means to live in a society of decent human beings. that he thinks he is "fighting the rich" or "part of the struggle" is fucking meaningless. It's just the stuff he tells himself to try to give some meaning to his pathetic, pissant little life where no one gives a fuck about him or who he is.

Comment He did some decent things as president. (Score 4, Interesting) 125

Nixon was a "complicated" man, with a "complicated" presidency. I personally think the guy did a lot of rotten shit, although through the course of time, I have come to view him more with pity rather than contempt. He was a deeply unhappy and insecure man with (it seems to me) few, if any, real friends.

Reading this article, I get the sense of his pragmatic realism, especially in light of a country which was at-the-time engaged in a very costly war, and a nation riven with socio-economic strife. (It is a good thing those days are behind us).

Comment Excuse Me? (Score 3, Insightful) 577

If your disk develops bad sectors, the OS most certainly does not "have to work around them". Any modern drive will self correct its own bad sectors upon identifying them. If a disk is developing so many bad sectors that this is a constant problem, then the disk is about to fail, and you should expect performance to be degraded. This has nothing to do with Windows.

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