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Submission + - UK Government says progress made on internet filters. (

PsyMan writes: Using a ruse involving a blatent "think of the children" line the UK Government is ploughing ahead with its latest internet censoring project. ISP's are of course unwittingly/eagerly assisting the ConDem Overlords in their quest to create a controlable media blackout switch and so far results are looking promising.

First they blocked Pr0n but I did not care as I did not publically delare that I ever looked at pr0n............Then they blo

Comment Re:Where's the torrent file? (Score 0) 234

If I could mod this up I would. Shame the general public don't have a clue or even care any more about what is going on around them. If you ask the majority if they are voting they instantly think X-Factor or Strictly come whatever it is now. Maybe if the Government added TV style £1.50 per minute mobile phone voting with stupid questions tagged on to each party they may get a better turn out at the next elections.

Comment OK Why not (Score 1) 163

In the true manner of /. of course I did not RTFA but I can add that if any company needs my home surfing habits then why not, shirley they are entitled to it. I also think that starbucks should have full access to my webcam, McDonalds need to see the inside of my shed and Microsoft (notice I did not use a $ there) really need to know how much toilet tissue I get through every week. Next thing you will be telling me is that the tin foil manufacturers are keeping tabs on just how much I have wrapped around my noggin. (think its time for bed) NN NSA

Comment Directory server ease of use (Score 0) 1215

Hopefully someone will put me straight on this or advise a solution I have missed through lack of google-fu. 10 colleges (music and media production), 1000+ Macs, 10 mac servers, 3 Centos servers (from xserve to mac mini depending on the size of the college) 50 - 60 XP machines making up some of the lesser important areas of the colleges but with 10.6 server they join the mac provided domain with a few clicks. I have tried a few times to find an easily deployable Linux distro to replace the Windows machines as the majority of them will do everything the students need and more, however there seems to be lacking a simple and dependable way to join any linux machine to a directory server without having to run through a vast array of config files and manually tweak them. If there was the same sort of "wizard" to join OD or AD built in to the linux desktop as there is on both Macs (one or two clicks) and Windows (a few more) then I for one would welcome my new Linux based Overlords and embrace the linux desktop. Regardless of whether it is OD, AD or some other LDAP server there doesnt seem to be anything established to make Linux Desktop in a small/med/large enterprise environment viable or attractive, the licence cost for us isn't a huge issue but the ongoing maintenence and admin ease of use is (who wants to be answering a barrage of support tickets when they could be gaming in their work hammock). Build a wizard to allow easy integration into existing environments, then make it easy to manage and maintain them without learning 100 new command line packages and I think admins will take it more seriously with the knockon effect of introducing it/forcing it on to more people in the workplace which in turn may just inspire more home use. For an enthusiast, Linux desktop is fine but for a sysadmin dealing with lots of non techie staff its a no go in so many ways, address that first and I think it may move forward of it's own accord.

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