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Journal Journal: Stratfor's (Abridged) Dictionary 1


Noun. (America, UK)

1. A collusive process whereby otherwise public information is made proprietary, assimilated and either (a) retained, or (b) reconstituted by the few for purposes of affecting the many

2. The art of making something seem more intelligent by obscuring the details necessary for thorough evaluation (See: esoterica)

3. A primary ingredient in propaganda

4. A private precursor to public ignorance

Comment Stratfor's Dictionary (Score 1) 388

1. A collusive process whereby otherwise public information is made proprietary, assimilated and either (a) retained, or (b) reconstituted by the few for purposes of affecting the many.
2. The art of making something seem more intelligent by obscuring the details necessary for thorough evaluation.
3. A politically-correct synonym for propaganda (America, UK).
4. A private precursor to public ignorance (America, UK)
5. An expendable and valuable resource thought by oligarchs to produce results at a significantly-faster rate than wisdom, but with greater consequences and less predictable results on long-term scales. (America, UK)
6. An industrialized, highly refined form of data-processing specially tailored for those deficient of intellect.
7. A misnomer, popular amongst pun enthusiasts

Comment Re:Stratfor To Get Life (Score 1) 388

Yes, because my honest opinion on the matter is flaimbait, and overrated at 0. Yes, makes perfect sense to me. I repent; Stratfor is a great all-American company and should be loved by serfs and overlords alike. If companies like Stratfor only had more power, the world would be at peace. I luv u Sratfor! I know you only collude and keep information from the public because you care. We're not worthy. The Authorities should never need pause for public inspection.

- Reformed by Modpoints

Submission + - Programming, puzzles and problem solving - free open online course 1

dncsky1530 writes: UNSW professor Richard Buckland, lecturer of the famous Computing 1 course on YouTube, is now running a large scale open online Computer Science course for the world. UNSW Computing 1 — PuzzleQuest and the Art of Programming starts off with microprocessors and works it way through C with interactive activities while taking students on an adventure of hacking, cracking and problem solving. It's based around a three month long PuzzleQuest with grand and suspiciously unspecified prizes as well as fame and glory for the intrepid. The next class starts December 3rd 2012.

Comment Stratfor To Get Life (Score -1, Flamebait) 388

When all the treasonous rot that Stratfor has engaged in comes to further attention, they'll soon be getting some heavy-duty sentences themselves. It says a lot about the character of the company that they'd not come out and directly discourage such a gross penalty. If they really had anything to do with security or "intelligence", they'd not try so hard to destroy people who aren't significant threats. They would also do things to empower society -- not sociopathic plutocracies.

Anyway, Stratfor, I hope the worst is yet to come for you. You are charlatans and parasites and don't give a damn about what you profess to protect.

And PS to all replies: I'll not be responding.

Submission + - "Anonymous" File-Sharing Darknet Ruled Illegal by German Court (

An anonymous reader writes: A court in Hamburg, Germany, has granted an injunction against a user of the anonymous and encrypted file-sharing network RetroShare . RetroShare users exchange data through encrypted transfers and the network setup ensures that the true sender of the file is always obfuscated. The court, however, has now ruled that RetroShare users who act as an exit node are liable for the encrypted traffic that’s sent by others.

Comment Zeta Power (Score 4, Informative) 341

This should be great for the zeta cartels - it seems they've expanded from drugs and mass-murder to the coal industry.

Now when we do such things as turn on a light, we can relish more than our collective carbon boot-print on the Earth's bemired face -- we can smile as we bask in the sanguineous luminosity of torture and intoxication too!

Submission + - Water From Water Vapor With Hydrophilic Beetle-Emulating Coatings (

mbstone writes: The Namib Desert Beetle generates water from water vapor via its shell, which has alternating hydrophilic and hydrophobic bumps which channel water droplets into its mouth. Scientists at MIT developed a self-filling water bottle using this technology, and have announced a contest for the best design of a countertop water-from-air generator.

Submission + - Australian Govt pledges action on Google tax evasion (

daria42 writes: Looks like Google's habit of funnelling billions of dollars in revenue through its Irish and Bermuda subsidiaries, in a tactic known as the "double Dutch sandwich", continues to attract unfavourable government attention globally. France has already announced plans to take on the search giant's tax evasion habits, and the Australian Government, to which Google paid just $74,000 in tax last year despite having Australian revenues close to $1 billion, has now confirmed plans to do the same. How does tax evasion relate to Google's 'don't be evil' motto? Perhaps Google should re-consider its stance in this area.

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