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Comment Re:Available food ... (Score 1) 253

How do you lose the advantage of the skin when it is cut prior to cooking? I'm seriously at a loss here.

(As far as your other observations, I don't know. Seems odd to me that you couldn't find something considerably better than TH for considerably less than $100. I suspect part of the problem is not knowing the area and which non-chain restaurants to hit. Chains are almost invariably aimed at the lowest common denominator)

Comment Re:Where's the NSA? (Score 1) 76

Isn't this probaly one of the foremost National Security issues of the US? The freaking Stock Exchanges? You're telling me they don't know to what end, or who was in it?

If even part of this is true, this country really is FUCKED! All the way to the top!

Guess who didn't RTFA?

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