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Comment Re:offshore yourself (Score 0) 420

Doesn't it go against your trollish collectivist theology? Moving away from a huge government system into a much smaller government system, basically escaping the system that you are so much in favour of - a system of collectivist policies, central planning, destruction of individual freedoms, incoherent unfair income and property taxes and policies, policies of theft, policies of the majority voting to steal from a minority and to redistribute to themselves?

It's interesting that you should be the one offering a person to leave that system in favour of a much smaller government and not because you wanted to spit some nonsense like 'go to Somalia', that the collectivists love to repeat.

Comment Re:Capitalism is great... (Score 1) 142

Ever since someone realized they can make money from patent trolling.

- sure, but that's not failure of capitalism, it's failure of having government that is not capitalist but centrally planning instead. In a free society there shouldn't be such a concept as patents and copyrights that are protected in any way by any government body.

Comment correct (Score 5, Insightful) 241

Correct, there has not been a tradeoff between liberty and security in our response to terrorism in this country and in our efforts to offer security to the people of the United States. What there has been is a complete and utter disregard for liberty and destruction of individual rights. Forget tradeoffs, the Constitution was abolished, that is what happened.

Comment Re:LOL LOL OMG.. HAHAHAHA (Score 1) 553

The US economy is one step away from anarchy compared to either North Korea or East Germany

- ha, if by one step from 'anarchy' you mean the Federal Reserve bank, the IRS, FDA, EPA, FCC, FBI, FDIC, DHS, FHA, departments of agriculture, business, interior, education, health care, labour, etc. Sure, 1 step being 99% of what governments (federal and state and municipal) do.

Comment Re: More religious whackjobs (Score 1) 286

True, but/and the reason for keeping the state and church apart is so that you the free citizen can run your life in a way compatible with your understanding of God, for there is no real meaningful godliness without a real chance at failure. If the church has a say in public policy, that takes away some of your ability to make the correct choice.

Comment Re: More religious whackjobs (Score 0) 286

This is true. Daniel Inouye used to rule those mountaintops with an iron fist. I hear through my grapevine that he nixed an upgrade to make some of the military's satellite tracking telescopes up there back in the 80s because the automation would have cost some of the native Hawaiian telescope operators their jobs.

Comment Re: More religious whackjobs (Score 3, Funny) 286

Illegal my ass. We occupied and annexed it fair and square, replacing tribal savagery where might made right on the scale of every day life with actual laws and courts and civilized institutions. The fact that we also brought modern religion (that is to say a small-L liberal judeo-christian tradition) to replace this "the colors of the wind" bullshit is all the more icing on the cake.

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